
主题:又一个美国普通人的想法 -- 真理

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The reason why the average westerner does not understand the real feelings of the Chinese people is simple: Language. If you understand Chinese and read what the Chinese students are writing you'll realise that their anger towards what they see as "biased" western media is spontaneous and free-willed. Their government of course knows this and tries to provide them support, financially and otherwise. Truth be told, they do know that their own government is autocratic and their state media tightly controlled. After all, these students all over the world are free to access information what they could not even dream of in their own motherland. Remember Tianamen '89? It was the students who orchestrated it. It is the same this time with protests in London, Manchester, Berlin, Vienna, LA, Sydney, Melbourne (a week ago) except that the target is not the Chinese Communist Party but the Western Media and other related targets. Why?? It boils down to this: What is most important to the Chinese (at least Chinese students) is first NATIONAL SOVEREINGTY then second DEMOCRACY. If China were to become a democracy today Tibet will still remain within China. No party can ever hope to win an election in China without going against Tibetan independance. It's part of their history. Even the previous Republic of China under the Kuomintang (now the ruling party in Taiwan) never gave up Tibet (It was taken from them by force). So as a Westerner we have to decide carefully and draw the line clearly on where we stand: Tibetan Independence (Which the Dalai Lama himself officially rejects)? or Just human rights improvement in Tibet? But the question then arises: to be consistent, aren't we supposed to shout the slogan FREE CHINA instead of FREE TIBET? less

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