
主题:【半原创】《战争之王》中的经典台词 -- 九合诸侯

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家园 【半原创】《战争之王》中的经典台词



1.尼古拉斯.凯奇演的尤里.奥洛夫一上场就作悲天悯人装,道:“There are over 550 million firearms in world-wide circulation.That's one firearmy for every twelve people on the planets.”(这世界上有5亿支枪,平均每十二个里面就有一支。),可是话锋一转,“The only question is how do we arm the other eleven?”(唯一的问题是我们如何武装剩下的十一个?)

2.“Bullets change govements far sure than votes.”(枪杆子比民主更能颠覆政权)西门.怀斯为中情局贩卖枪支,这是他的座右铭。

3.The older Chinese model.Not so effective against modern military aircraft.But deadly, if against a commercial airliner.I’m giving them away at $850.(中国产过期飞弹,打军用飞机不行了,打个民航什么的还可以。$850而已,等于白送你了。)军事博览会上有人向尤里.奥洛夫推销武器。

4.When the United states leaves a war zone,they generally don’t take their munitions.Because more it bring back than buy new stock.(当美国撤离一个战区时,他们一般不带走武器。因为运费比买新的还贵。)


Vitaly:So,we sell by the kilo.They’re secondhand weapons,but they’re still OK.(我们按斤卖。这些虽是二手货,但性能依然良好。)

尤里:How many kilos would you like? (你要几斤?)

黎巴嫩官员:Five thousand.(五吨)

5.Arm salaries were no better then than they are today.And some of bras,like Lieutenant Colonel Southern needed to raise money for their own private war.(军队薪水不高,即使现在也依然如此。但有一些家伙,像萨登中校,需要弄钱来进行他私人的战争。)

6.尤里:This is bullshit money.This is small-fucking-potatoes.(这点钱算个屁,还不够塞牙缝。)

Vitaly:What do you want to do,go more legit?(啥?你想做合法生意?)

尤里:No,more illegal.(不,是更加“不合法”。)

7.Selling guns is like selling vacuum clearners.You make calls,pound the payment,take orders.I was an equal opportunity merchant of death.I supplied every army but the Salvation Army.I sold Israli-made Uzis to Muslims,I sold communist-made bullets to fascists.(卖枪就像卖吸尘器,打电话,谈价钱,处理订单。我是什么都做得死亡商人。除了救世军-慈善组织,我不管什么军都卖。我把以色列造的乌兹冲锋枪卖给穆斯林,把共产主义的子弹卖给法西斯。)







Vitaly:Youri,I don’t have Dutch! What?I have Belgian.(尤里,我找不到荷兰国旗,有比利时的。)

尤里:What the fuck use is that?He’s painting a name registered in the fucking Netherlands.(那他妈有个屁用,下面那厮刚漆的船名,是他妈在荷兰注册的。)

Vitaly:I’ve got a French flag.(我找到了一个法国旗。)


Turn it sideways,it’s Dutch!(横过来,就是荷兰。)

9.Vitaly吸毒成瘾,尤里把他送进戒毒所。Vitaly死活不下车,尤里道:Vitaly,you’re going to have a great time.This is a top place.Two Ford models checked in last week.And that cute weather girl’s been here since July.(Vitaly,这个戒毒所简直棒极了。上周有两个时装模特进来,播气象预报的那个美女七月份就过来。)

10. In my experience,some of the most successful relationships are based on lies and deceit.Since that’s where they usually end up anyway.It’s a logical place to start.


11.Those 45 years of mutual hatred between the East and West had generated the highest weapons buildup in history.The Soviets had guns coming out of the demon hole.Huge stockplies,and now no enemy.


12.I sell to leftists and rightists.I sell to peacfulists,but they’re not the most regular of customers.Of course,you’re not a true internatinalist until you’ve supplied weapons to kill your own countrymen.


13.I have a feeling it wasn’t exactly what Comrade Lenin had in mind when he advocated the redistribution of wealth.But I wasn’t the only one offing a crash course in capitalism.(我有种感觉,这大概不是列宁同志当年所倡导的财富重新分配。不过我可不是唯一提供给他们资本主义速成课程的人。)尤里玩命倒卖苏联军火时,揶揄道。

14. In the most AIDS-infested region of the globe where one in four infected.Andre’s idea of joke was to put a young Iman and a young Naomi in my bed.And no condom within 100 miles.(在爱滋病如此泛滥的国家,四个人里就有一人感染。安德烈(电影中的利里比亚总统)和我开玩笑的方式,就是把两个漂亮女人放到我床上。而且在方圆一百英里以内找不到避孕套。)

15.Those nuclear missiles,they sit in their silos.Your Ak-47?That’s the real weapon of mass destruction.


16.How many car salesman talk about their work?How many cigarette salesman?Both their products kill more people every year than mine.At least mine has a safty switch.(卖车的会告诉你车有危险?卖香烟的会告诉你吸烟会死?每年他们的商品比我害死更多人。但是他们也不是照样卖,起码我尤里的枪还有安全栓呢。)

17.The biggest arms dealer in the world is the President of the United States,who ships more merchandise in a day than I do in a year.(世界上最大的军火贩子是美国总统,他一天卖的比我一年卖的还多。)此言不虚,任谁倒腾军火也干不过美国总统。

18.While private gunrunners continue to thrive,the world’s biggest arms suppliers are the U.S,U.K,Russia,France,and China.They are also the five permanent members of the U.N Security Council.


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