
主题:退而求其次,我们能预报余震吗?美国专家说不可能 -- PBS

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家园 退而求其次,我们能预报余震吗?美国专家说不可能


下面是美国USGS的专家访问,这位专家同中国国家地震局有25年的合作。请听他的采访录音。 http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=90694392

Walter Mooney, a research seismologist with the U.S. Geological Survey in Menlo Park, Calif., says the aftershocks following the earthquake in China are typical so far, but there's no real way to predict them. Mooney tells Melissa Block his Chinese counterparts are surprised by the extent of the damage and loss of life after the quake.

关键词(Tags): #汶川地震(喜欢)

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