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Tibetan Protests NYC Message List

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While I was in New York I attended two demonstrations by the Tibetan community: one at the Chinese Embassy and the other at the United Nations.

You can see the photos here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/janvanraay/sets/72157605844208924/

Warm wishes,



Re: [pdxbpf] Tibetan Protests NYC

Hi, Jan,

You'd better have a through study of the past and today of Tibet as well as what Dalai Lama did before 1959. 95% of the Tibetan that time had nothing, even their lives were owned by monks and slaveowners headed by the fake Dalai Lama. The fake Dalai Lama and other slaveowners could buy, sell, kill and send slaves to other slaveowners as gifts at their will. The human rights of the majority Tibetan were totally ignored before 1959.

Be a true Buddist, please always bear in mind that Buddha never had the least intention to interfere with politics even when his family and all his tribe were to be slaughted. While the current Dalai Lama seems totally ignored Buddha's teaching and take politics as his first priority instead of practising Buddha's teaching and doctrines. And if you study the lineage of Dalai Lama, you will find it is actually a broken one.

And if you read Tibetan History by Tibetans, you can see records that the previous and current Dalai Lama launches against Lamas of other schools and his follow Tibetan in west Sichuan province of China. And religious persecution was not rare under their ruling. And even to rinpoches of the same Gelukpa school as his, the past two Dalai Lama showed no mercy at all. The 9th Panchen Lama's territory was invaded by Dalai Lama's troops and 9th Panchen Lama himself was exiled. And 5th Reting Rinpoche helped to put current Dalai Lama into power, while he was confined and killed secretly. And those lamas and monks who wanted to rescue Reting Rinpoche were cruelly cracked down by the troops of Dalai Lama.

Early in Yuan Dynasty of China, Tibet has become a part of China under the ruling of Khubilai Khan (1215 - 1294) . And in the following two dynasties, Ming and Qing, all Tibetan leaders admitted the China's sovereignty to Tibet. Even the current Dalai Lama was actually picked up and entitled by Chinese government that time. And Chinese Emperor of Qing Dynasty authorize Dalai Lama to reign the north Tibet with the capital city of Lhasa, and the Panchen Lama to reign the south Tibet with the capital city of Shigatse. While the 13th Dalai Lama invaded Panchen's territory and force Panchen to exile. And as to Xi Kang, the west part of Sichuan province of China, Tibetans there were never be ruled by any Tibetan King. Langdarma the last Tibetan emperor, who reigned from 838-841, he launched an anti-Buddhism campaign and many buddhists fled to Xikang to escape the persecution. And early since that era, Tibetan's in Xikang and Tibetan local regime were not friendly enough to each other. And even in 1930s, the current Dalai Lama wage a war against Tibetans in Xikang. And Nona Rinpoche of Nyingma school of Tibetan buddism went to Lhasa to make peace with Dalai Lama, but he was not well treated. Instead he was throw into prison for three years before his successful escape from Lhasa.

If you wish, you could find far more such historical records about Tibet and Tibetan Buddhism.

Best wishes.



Re: [pdxbpf] Tibetan Protests NYC

Thank you for the Chinese view of Tibet's history. For those interested on seeing both the Tibetan history according to Tibet as well as the history according to China this site provides both views with little bias.


Thanks Chu for this interesting perspective. I had heard some of the Chinese propaganda but not this much before so I feel better informed in discussing it with my Chinese colleagues that still get all their information from the Chinese government. And I also now see why they hate the Dalia Lama. But I think as Buddhists the history is not that important, only the present. And at present the Tibetan people are suffering terrible hardship under China's rule. It is this current state that an engaged Buddhist should have concern for.

Thanks for the beautiful photos Jan.


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