
主题:【原创】小孩子,大孩子 -- 希宝

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家园 有其父,有其子

平常给传传买的衣服,不是T恤就是棉的绒的套头衫,穿着舒服随意。有天跟传传去逛店,传传给自己挑了件正儿八经的衬衣。“I want an engineer clothes, just like Daddy’s”.



过两天传传要跟爸爸去公司。传传已经叮嘱妈妈了,“Mommy, I want to wear my engineer clothes to Daddy’s work place.”

(想起那天买这件衣服付钱的时候,传传看见柜台那小册子上的图案很熟悉,自己念叨着,I have seen this before.

店员问他: Did you see this from Macy's Parade?

传传: Macys?

店员: That's the name of our store.

传传: Oh... Is it a big store? Like MacDonald? They even have stores in China. Do you have stores in China?

店员: That I don't know. But we have lots of things that are made in China.

传传: How is your company doing?

店员: We are doing okay. ...

传传: My daddy's company is doing well, too. My daddy is an engineer.

店员: My name is Janice. Next time you and your daddy come to our store, take your Daddy and come to say hi to me.)

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