
主题:【原创】谈谈吃喝 1 -- 肥头

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家园 【原创】谈谈吃喝 3




烈酒一般包括,Jin(金酒,杜松子酒),Vodaka(伏特加),Tequila(源于墨西哥,原料是仙人掌),Rum(朗姆,源于古巴,原料是甘蔗),还有威士忌(Scotch Whiskey),白兰地(Brandy,Cognac)等。这些酒你想怎么对就怎么对,果汁软饮都可以。但威士忌和白兰地很香,通常只是对水和冰块。这些酒,国内都有,而且品牌也和美国的一样。


Cabernet Sauvignon (ka ber nei sou vi nyong) is one of the most common red wine;

The next common red wine is Merlot (mer lou), which is my favorite;

Both of these red wines are heavy and goes well with red meat (meat without too much added flavor)

Chardonnay (shardonei) is a very common white wine. It goes well with sea food, but again, not with sea foods that are heavily flavored such as sweet and sour fish.

With Chinese dishes, which are mostly with heavy flavor, the Pinot (pi nou) series works fine, because it's very light in flavor and does not fight with the flavor of the food, and helps your appetite. There are two kind of Pinot, one is Pinot Noir (pi nou nwar), which is red, and Pinot Grigio (pi nou gri jio) which can be either red or white.

Then there is Zinfandel, a California native, either red or white, which is slightly sweet, easy to drink, goes well with Chinese food.


容易喝,但不太为人知的"Maitai" (发音和北方人说的"埋汰"一样),属于热带型混酒(tropical drink)。 做法是,下层防鲜红的樱桃汁,然后亚热带果汁,加热带果汁,加果味糖浆,再加白朗姆(以前介绍过,甘蔗做的)用调酒瓶加冰块拼命摇到零度,倒出来作为中层,最上层再倒一层金朗姆(棕色)就算做成了。酒的量,可多可少。喝的时候,可以摇匀了喝,也可以用吸管一层一层地喝。

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