
主题:美国癌症协会指南粗摘之一:营养,运动与防癌 -- 良金百辟

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家园 美国癌症协会指南粗摘之四:营养,运动与防癌

Choose foods and beverages in amounts that help

achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

* Read food labels to become more aware of portion

sizes and calories consumed. Be aware that ‘‘low fat’’

or ‘‘nonfat’’ does not necessarily mean ‘‘low calorie.’’

* Eat smaller portions of high-calorie foods.

* Choose vegetables, whole fruits, and other lowcalorie

foods instead of calorie-dense foods such

as French fries, potato and other chips, ice cream,

doughnuts, and other sweets.

* Limit consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages

such as soft drinks, sports drinks, and

fruit-flavored drinks.

* When you eat away from home, be especially mindful

to choose food low in calories, fat, and added

sugar, and avoid consuming large portion sizes.

 Limit consumption of processed meats and red


* Minimize consumption of processed meats such

as bacon, sausage, luncheon meats, and hot dogs.

* Choose fish, poultry, or beans as an alternative

to red meat (beef, pork, and lamb).

* If you eat red meat, select lean cuts and eat

smaller portions.

* Prepare meat, poultry, and fish by baking, broiling,

or poaching rather than by frying or charbroiling.

 Eat at least 2.5 cups of vegetables and fruits each


* Include vegetables and fruits at every meal and

for snacks.

* Eat a variety of vegetables and fruits each day.

* Emphasize whole vegetables and fruits; choose

100% juice if you drink vegetable or fruit juices.

* Limit consumption of creamy sauces, dressings,

and dips with vegetables and fruits.

 Choose whole grains instead of refined grain


* Choose whole-grain foods such as whole-grain

breads, pasta, and cereals (such as barley and oats)

instead of breads, pasta, and cereals made from

refined grains, and brown rice instead of white rice.

* Limit consumption of other refined carbohydrate

foods, including pastries, candy, sugar-sweetened

breakfast cereals, and other high-sugar foods.

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