
主题:【整理】新一战史 -- 普罗丁

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家园 【整理】新一战史(20)

  《资本论》全文搜索 Asiatic 一词,获得约10处发现:


  1. In the ancient Asiatic and other ancient modes of production, we find that the conversion of products into commodities, and therefore the conversion of men into producers of commodities, holds a subordinate place, which, however, increases in importance as the primitive communities approach nearer and nearer to their dissolution. (古老生产方式的缓慢转变)


  2. A more exhaustive study of Asiatic, and especially of Indian forms of common property, would show how from the different forms of primitive common property, different forms of its dissolution have been developed. (原始财产制度不同,解体方式就不同)


  3. The non-agricultural labourers of an Asiatic monarchy have little but their individual bodily exertions to bring to the task, but their number is their strength, and the power of directing these masses gave rise to the palaces and temples, the pyramids, and the armies of gigantic statues of which the remains astonish and perplex us. (亚细亚王权一大特征:非农业劳力多)


  4. This power of Asiatic and Egyptian kings, Etruscan theocrats, &c., has in modern society been transferred to the capitalist, whether he been isolated, or as in joint-stock companies, a collective capitalist. (古老神权变成现代资本家)


  5. The simplicity of the organisation for production in these self-sufficing communities that constantly reproduce themselves in the same form, and when accidentally destroyed, spring up again on the spot and with the same name. this simplicity supplies the key to the secret of the unchangeableness of Asiatic societies, an unchangeableness in suchstriking contrast with the constant dissolution and refounding of Asiatic States, and the never-ceasing changes of dynasty. (亚细亚式社会并非自给自足社会,它们的特点是永远都在解体和更换王朝)


  6. Besides these, there still exist, in India and China, two distinct antique Asiatic forms of the same industry.(中印都存在两种古老的产业,同前)


  7. After 1833, the extension of the Asiatic markets is enforced by "destruction of the human race" (the wholesale extinction of Indian hand-loom weavers).(亚细亚式市场的扩张)


  8. But consider, for example, an inhabitant of the eastern islands of the Asiatic Archipelago, where sago grows wild in the forests.(亚细亚群岛的居民)


  9. The substantial economy and saving in time afforded by the association of agriculture with manufacture put up a stubborn resistance to the products of the big industries, whose prices include the faux frais of the circulation process which pervades them. Unlike the English, Russian commerce, on the other hand, leaves the economic ground work of Asiatic production untouched.(农业联合会对大工业的抵制,导致亚洲生产方式的停滞不前)


  10. Since Russia has been making frantic exertions to develop its own capitalist production, which is exclusively dependent upon its domestic and the neighbouring Asiatic market, this is also beginning to change. -- F.E.(俄国疯狂的资本主义发展依赖亚细亚市场----可能是恩格斯说的)


  11. However, in the first place, silver exports to Asia have since increased extraordinarily, owing to the Asiatic trade of America and Europe. (亚美、亚欧的贸易发展导致白银的进口)




  这里,有一点显然值得注意,就是马克思的一些句子中的 Asiatic 仅仅是一种地域概念,比如最后两句,它们不太可能包含政治、社会、文化、宗教等方面的内容。要分清哪些包含了而哪些没有,显然是一个巨大的难题,所以我不打算作这样的区分,而是假定上边的所有句子都涉及到马克思(包括英译者)对 Asiatic 一词的理解。通过以上11句话,我能够得出马克思对于 Asiatic 这个词汇的理解方式和使用方式如下:


  1)Asiatic 当中包含了一些地域成份,也就是说,只要是亚洲的(尤其是中国的、印度的、俄国的)就都是“亚细亚式”的。




















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