
主题:【原创】怕高 -- 映日荷花

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家园 【原创】怕高



昨天他在Skype 上告诉我下周他们全家飞到芝加哥度假。“你知道吗”, 他接着说,“我其实是一个有很多心理障碍的人,怕坐飞机是其中的一个,从小到现在只坐过两次,每次都担心紧张到不行。本来以为再也不会去坐了,可是,你的照片让我改变了主意。天空和云那么美好,我,或许不用害怕”。


我先是哑口无言,人高马大的他怎么会怕高?连小女子都不怕的… 可转念一想,每个人外表的背后都可能隐藏着秘密;在强大的外衣下,有令人难以置信的软弱与疲惫…


回过神来,当然得鼓励啊 -  其实啊, 飞机上看到的天空更美:晴天,  白色的云朵那么轻盈而柔美,就像牧羊人洁白的羊群;阴天,厚重的云层会给你安全感。更重要的,天空不仅仅美丽壮阔,还非常友好呢。放心,  不会有事!



“要有信心,对自己的决定,对现代飞行技术,对命运,对天空… ”


“6 个字:Wherever you go, there you are (中文大概是“随遇而安”的意思吧).”







“可不可以麻烦你,在我上飞机之前,给我发个Email,如果有好的照片也附上,它们会帮我,让我不那么紧张”,我很想拒绝,推脱工作太忙,推脱孩子需要照顾,推脱院子里有活儿要做… 可是,终究不好意思说出口,只好答应。




For the entire weekend, the sky was like a cranky sick little baby: cried a lot, and was so hard to comfort. During those short moments when he was a bit happier, you could clearly feel his hesitation and confusion. Maybe because of some hidden pain, or the Tylenol/Motrin that his mommy gave him?


Poor little baby.


But please, please believe that he really tried, to smile, to play, to be his normal self.


Just like you are trying, bravely to be brave, fearlessly to overcome fear.


It is not easy, it is extremely hard, but the new person that you will become, the part of life that you will be able to enjoy, as a result of the change, will make it all well worth it. 


And that is priceless.


Enjoy your trip, and you will find that the sky above the sky is more peaceful and calm. Not only that, like the nature of everything, the sky is warm, friendly, and full of stories. 


Enjoy the sky, the city, and your happy ride around the lake.

Enjoy yourself and your family.

And make this summer, this trip unforgettable.





关键词(Tags): #恐高通宝推:宝特勤,GWA,听松,尚儒,加东,陈王奋起,桥上,审度,不远攸高,铁手,北纬42度,
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