
主题:【原创】自己用古典吉他弹的一首小曲,据说来源于苏格兰民歌。 -- 有啥说啥

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    • 家园 搜了一下英文原词,居然是Lowlands of Holland



      On the night that I was married

      And upon my marriage bed

      There came a bold sea captain

      And he stood at my bedhead

      Saying, "arise, arise, young wedded man

      And come along with me

      To the lowlands of Holland

      To fight the enemy"

      Now then, Holland is a lovely land

      And upon it grows fine grain

      Surely 'tis a place of residence

      For a soldier to remain

      Where the sugar cane is plentiful

      And the tea grows on each tree

      Well, I never had but the one sweetheart

      And now he's gone far away from me

      I will wear no stays around my waist

      Nor combs all in my hair

      I will wear no scarf around my neck

      for to save my beauty there

      And never will I marry

      Not until the day that I die

      Since these four winds and these stormy seas

      Came between my love and I

    • 家园 好听,收到堂里去
    • 家园 好听


      电琴和箱琴的区别在于箱琴靠自身的琴箱共鸣,声音自然但是音量音色比较难控制。电琴自身没有共鸣箱,靠的是琴身上的一组两组甚至三组拾音器来采集琴弦发出的振动,输出后通过效果器和功放来出声。好的电琴比如Fender, Ibanse Gibson琴身设计,拾音器电路,安放位置等都有自己的长处。质量好的箱琴主要是琴身的设计形状和材料工艺对于音质的影响,现在有的箱琴也加拾音器有电平输出,也可以弹出电味。

      • 好听
        家园 没错,箱琴的确可以录出电声


      • 好听
        家园 太强了。
      • 好听
        家园 书生兄也弹琴吧,内行啊。
        • 家园 书生弹的很一般


    • 家园 很好听,想请教一下,古典吉他与电吉他有什么不同,我听声音里有些电


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