
主题:【整理】转基因猪队友大比拼之三:方舟子和金龙鱼,谁造假? -- 洗心

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  • 家园 【整理】转基因猪队友大比拼之三:方舟子和金龙鱼,谁造假?

    方大师大概是不愤小崔抢了眼球, 这几天是奋起直追,昏话迭出。
















    本帖一共被 1 帖 引用 (帖内工具实现)
    • 家园 反转义和团有啥资格讨论猪队友问题啊?










        通过合理部署,生物技术还能帮助发展中国家提高农业生产效率(提高产量),为人类提供更好的营养安全保障,并解决环境退化、饥饿和贫穷问题。 国际上的众多农业研究中心、大学院校、公共研究组织和其他地方的科学家们,已经开始测试特别针对发展中国家的基因改良产品。



        诺曼·博洛格(Norman Borlaug)——美国著名遗传学家和植物病理学家,绿色革命之父,培育出丰产、抗锈小麦品种,获得1970 年诺贝尔和平奖。因终生帮助克服全球饥荒,于2007年获得美国国会金质奖章。

        詹姆斯·沃森(James Watson)——美国分子生物学家,20世纪分子生物学的牵头人之一,发现遗传物质的DNA的双螺旋结构,于1962年获得诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。该项发现为基因疗法、转基因作物、生物克隆技术和DNA鉴定技术搭建了平台。

        蒂姆·亨特(Timothy Hunt)——英国生物化学家,由于发现细胞周期中的关键调节因子,于2001年获得诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。

        彼得·杜赫提(Peter C. Doherty)——1995年获得拉斯克奖(基础医学研究),1996年获诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。

        保罗·德罗斯·博耶(Paul D. Boyer)——美国生物化学家,因阐明三磷酸腺苷生物合成的机理,于1997年获得诺贝尔化学奖。

        奥斯卡·阿里亚斯·桑切斯(Oscar Arias Sanchez)—— 哥斯达黎加政治家,两次当选总统,因成功推动签署中美洲五国和平协议于1987年获得诺贝尔和平奖。

        保罗·伯格(Paul Berg)——由于在DNA重组上的贡献,于1980年获得诺贝尔化学奖,有DNA重组大师之称。

        菲利浦·夏普(Phillip A. Sharp)——因断裂基因的发现,于1993年获得诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。

        道格拉斯·奥谢罗夫(Douglas D. Osheroff)——发现氮气的超流动性,于1996年获得诺贝尔物理学奖。

        尼伦伯格(Marshall Nirenberg)——美国生化遗传学家,因合成核酸,揭开了遗传密码的奥秘,于1968年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。

        理查德·斯莫利(Richard E. Smalley)——发现碳元素的第三种存在形式—C60,于1996年获得诺贝尔化学奖。

        爱德华刘易斯(Edward Lewis)——发现控制早期胚胎发育的重要遗传机理,并利用果蝇作为实验系统,发现了同样适用于高等有机体(包括人)的遗传机理,于1995年获得诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。

        悉尼·布雷内(Sydney Brenner)——选择线虫作为新颖的实验生物模型,找到了对细胞每一个分裂和分化过程进行跟踪的细胞图谱,于2002年获得诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。

        维绍斯(Eric Wieschaus)——发现控制早期胚胎发育的重要遗传机理,并利用果蝇作为实验系统,发现了同样适用于高等有机体(包括人)的遗传机理,于1995年获得诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。

        库珀(Leon N. Cooper)——创立超导理论(BCS理论),于1972年获得诺贝尔物理学奖。

        费希尔(Edmond H. Fischer)——因在逆转蛋白磷酸化作为生物调节机制的发现中作出巨大贡献,于1992年获得诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。

        欧拉(George A. Olah)——因在碳氢化合物即烃类研究领域作出了杰出贡献,于1994年获得诺贝尔化学奖。

        德·迪夫(Christian de Duve)——发现溶酶体(细胞内的一种细胞器,处理细胞摄入的营养物质并分解较大的颗粒),于1974年获得诺贝尔生理学和医学奖。

        莫利纳(Mario Molina)——阐述了对臭氧层产生影响的化学机理,证明了人造化学物质对臭氧层构成破坏作用,于1995年获得诺贝尔化学奖。

        科恩伯格(Arthur Kornberg)——人工合成核酸,并发现其生理作用,于1959年获得诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。

        格拉雷(Donald A. Glaser)——发明气泡室,于1960年获得诺贝尔物理学奖。

        吉耶曼(Roger Guillemin)——合成下丘脑释放因素,于1977年获得诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。

        谢尔登·李·格拉肖(Sheldon Glashow)——提出亚原子粒子的弱作用的电磁作用的统一理论,于1979年获得诺贝尔物理学奖

        马里·莱恩(Jean-Marie Lehn)——因在分子的研究和应用方面的新贡献,于1987年获得诺贝尔化学奖。

        罗伯茨(Richard J. Roberts)——因断裂基因的发现,于1993年获得诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。

      • 家园 这算什么,我这里有全球815位学者签名反对转基因


        Open Letter from World Scientists to All Governments


        The hazards of GMOs to biodiversity and human and animal health are now acknowledged by sources within the UK and US Governments. Particularly serious consequences are associated with the potential for horizontal gene transfer. These include the spread of antibiotic resistance marker genes that would render infectious diseases untreatable, the generation of new viruses and bacteria that cause diseases, and harmful mutations which may lead to cancer.

        We urge the US Congress to reject GM crops as both hazardous and contrary to the interest of family farmers; and to support research and development of sustainable agricultural methods that can truly benefit family farmers all over the world.

        We, the undersigned scientists, call for the immediate suspension of all environmental releases of GM crops and products, both commercially and in open field trials, for at least 5 years; for patents on living processes, organisms, seeds, cell lines and genes to be revoked and banned; and for a comprehensive public enquiry into the future of agriculture and food security for all.


        Signed by 815 scientists from 82 different countries, including:

        Dr. David Bellamy, Biologist and Broadcaster, London, UK

        Prof. Liebe Cavalieri, Mathematical Ecologist, Univ. Minnesota, USA

        Dr. Thomas S. Cox, Geneticist, US Dept. of Agriculture (retired), India

        Dr. Tewolde Egziabher, Spokesperson for African Region, Ethiopia

        Dr. David Ehrenfeld, Biologist/Ecologist, Rutgers University, USA

        Dr. Vladimir Zajac, Oncovirologist, Genetisist, Cancer Reseach Inst, Czech Republic

        Dr. Brian Hursey, ex FAO Senior Officer for Vector Borne Diseases, UK

        Prof. Ruth Hubbard, Geneticist, Harvard University, USA

        Prof. Jonathan King, Molecular Biologist, MIT, Cambridge, USA

        Prof. Gilles-Eric Seralini, Laboratoire de Biochimie & Moleculaire, Univ. Caen, France

        Dr. David Suzuki, Geneticist, David Suzuki Foundation, Univ. British Columbia, Canada

        Dr. Vandana Shiva, Theoretical Physicist and Ecologist, India

        Dr. George Woodwell, Director, Woods Hole Research Center, USA

        Prof. Oscar B. Zamora, Agronomist, U. Philippines, Los Banos, Philippines

        815位签名者名单 仅摘录前一百位和后十位

        Prof.em Calum Wright M.Phil i am a expert on the study of life none Afghanistan

        2 Prof. Adolfo E. Boy Horticulture and Sustainable Agri. Univ. Moron Chair of Inst. of Sustainble Agriculture Argentina

        3 Alfredo Galli Agronomist Groupo de Reflexion Rural Argentina

        4 Dr. Jorge Kaczewer M.D MD complementary medicines cientific journalism author of the book in spanish language Transgenic Risks for Human Health ECOMEDICOS Argentina

        5 Jorge Eduardo Roulli Ecologist Groupo de Reflexion Rural Argentina

        6 Damien Beaumont B.Sc Postgraduate student at the University of New England Armidale Australia

        7 Peter Belbin B.Sc Land Management Consultant Tafe Australia

        8 Dr. Graeme E. Browne General Practitioner Melbourne PSRAST Australia

        9 Dr. Judy A. Carman Epidemiologist Flanders University Adelaide Australia

        10 Dr. Catherine Clinch-Jones General Practitioner Adelaide Australia

        11 Mr Sid Cowling B.Sc Environmental Biology Consultant Australia

        12 Dr. Philip A. Davies Geneticist Adelaide Australia

        13 Rocco Di Vincenzo M.Sc Chief Dietitian Swinburne University Hospital Australia

        14 Prof. Horst W. Doelle Micobiologist Univ. Queensland retired Chair of International Organisation for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Director MIRCEN-Biotechnology Brisbance and Pacific Regional Network Australia

        15 Dr. Lynette J. Dumble Medical Scientist Women's Health and Environment University of Melbourne Australia

        16 Doug N Everingham Physician MB BS Univ Syd 1946 Ex MPs Association Australia

        17 Angela Fehringer Anthropology Student Sydney Australia

        18 Prof. Frank G.H.P. Fisher Graduate School of Environmental Science Clayton Australia

        19 Kasia E. Gabrys Environmental Scientist Environmental Science National Trust of Australia Melbourne Australia

        20 Prof. Adrian Gibbs Ph.D Virologist retired Australia

        21 Dr. Dion Giles Ph.D Analytical chemistry organic chemistry chemical education Stop MAI (WA) Australia

        22 Stephen Glanville PDC ECOS Design Australia

        23 Dr. Veronica R. Griffin Consultant Nutrition and Environmental Medicine Cairns Australia

        24 Vince Halpin B.Sc Acupuncturist Herbalist Pharmacist Australia

        25 Dr. Richard Hindmarsh Environmental Social Scientist Univ. Queensland Australia

        26 Margaret Jackson B.Sc. Genetics National Genetics Awareness Alliance Australia

        27 Dr. Warren Kinne Ph.D Philosopher theologian Society of St Columban Australia

        28 Steven Kiss B.Sc Biological/ Organic Farm Manager broad acre crops sheep cattle medicinal herbs Australia

        29 Dr. Elmar Klucis Ph.D Biochenistry Biology Retired Australia

        30 Keith Loveridge B.Sc Bachelor Environmental Soc Sci RMIT University Croydon Conservation Society Australia

        31 Lisa McDonald Agronomist CRC for Sustainable Sugar Production James Cook University Australia

        32 Michelle Mclaren Bach Nutrition and Dietetics Australia

        33 Dr. Peter J. McMachon Plant Physiologist Genethics Australia Conservation Foundation Australia

        34 Elham Monavari B.Sc Bsc Maj Biology Masters in Env. Managemment Student Cities for Climate Protection Project Officer Australia

        35 Dr. Angela Morris Ph.D Root nodule development Research School of Biological Sciences ANU Australia

        36 Dr. Paul Nelson CSIRO Land and Water PMB Australia

        37 Tim Osborn Web Development Australia

        38 Dr. Sharron L. Pfueller Biochemistry/Environmental Studies School of Geography and Environmental Sciene Monash University Melbourne Australia

        39 Katrina E. Preski Environmental Science Monash University Melbourne Australia

        40 Dr. Peter Renowden Strategic Planner Melbourne Australia

        41 Sandra Russo Principal of College As a Homoeopath I lecture have a private clinic and mentor students of Homoeopathy Adelaide Training College of Complementary Medicin Australia

        42 Frank Samson B.Sc R & D Project Manager (Physics) Sola International Holdings Australia

        43 Glenn Sorensen B.Sc Natural Products Chemist/Phytochemist Jurlique Australia

        44 Dr. Rosemary Stanton Ph.D Nutritionist Australia

        45 Dr. Maarten Stapper Ph.D Farming Systems Agronomist Australia

        46 Michelle Starr Ph.D student Natural Therapist none Australia

        47 Dr Corinna-Britta Steeb Ph.D Pathophysiology Medical Sceinces Nutrition Klein Research Institute Australia

        48 Dr. Ted Steele Molecular Immunologist U. Wollengong Australia

        49 Dr. Philip Stowell M.D GP working in Nutritional and Environmental Medicine n a Australia

        50 DI Gertrude Kaffenbock Ph.D student Ph.D. candidate Agricultural Economist St. Polton Austria

        51 Thomas Klemm Psychologist Konrad Lorenz Institute Austria

        52 Dr. Maria G. Neunteufel Economist Vienna Austria


        54 Muhammed Saiful Islam M.Sc Entomologist DAE Bangladesh

        55 Golam Kibria M.Phil EcologyCultureBiodiversity UBINIG Bangladesh

        56 Zakir Kibria M.Phil Ecology Biodiversity Culture BanglaPraxis Bangladesh

        57 Dr Farhad Mazhar Ecologist New Agricultural Movement Bangladesh

        58 Dhirendra Panda Ph.D student MOBILISATION AND ACTIVISM the collective Bangladesh

        59 De Beer Daniel M.Sc Lawyer Lawyers Without Borders and Vrij university Brusse Belgium

        60 Dr. Ga雝an du Bus Forest Engineer Univ. Catholique de Louvain INRA Belgium

        61 Verstraeten Guy B.Eng have an engineering eductation in biochemistry education I have ethical objections to do work in most of the current industries and research Belgium

        62 Pablo Servigne Ph.D agronomist engineer PhD in Biology ULB Belgium

        63 Dr. Michel Somville Ph.D GMO s Health environmental risks GREENS EFA group in the European parliament Belgium

        64 Els Torreele Ph.D student biotechnology Vrije Universiteit Brussels Belgium

        65 Flavia Camargo De Oliveira Biologist UFPR Brazil

        66 Prof. MOHAMED HABIB Ph.D 39 years of research experience Biological Control and Agro Ecolgy University of Campinas Brazil

        67 Prof. Antonio Carlos Junqueira Do Val Filho B.Sc Engineer Agronomist CDA Brazil

        68 Samuel MacDowell Ph.D Plant Molecular Biology IBAMA Brazil

        69 Paulo Roberto Martins Research Institute of Technology Brazil

        70 Dr. Leovegildo Matos Ph.D Animal nutritionist Research Embrapa Brazil

        71 Renata Menasche Anthropologist Federal Un. of Rio Grande do Sul Brazil

        72 Prof. Lu韘 C閟ar Nunes B.Sc Education PCRJ Brazil

        73 Ventura Eduardo Souza Barbeiro Engineer agronomist ABRAMA Brasilian association of Enviroment Brazil

        74 Franco Werlagn M.Sc Business Administration GaiaVillage Project Brazil

        75 Dr. Stefan Panaiotov Ph.D molecular microbiology National Center of Infectious and Parasitic Diseas Bulgaria

        76 Dr Thomas R. Preston Un. of Tropical Agriculture Cambodia

        77 Prof. Lonnie Aarssen Ph.D Ecologist Queen s University Canada

        78 Prof. Paul Antze Ph.D medical anthropology Canada

        79 Dr. Sandra Awang Ph.D Sociologist/Writer on biodiversity biodemocracy and food security Canada

        80 Prof.em Henry Becker Ph.D 7 years in applied biology 35 years teaching research in chemical engineering currently writing book on nutrition health disease Queen s University Canada

        81 Dr Warren Bell MD Canad. Assoc. of Physicians for the Environ. Canada

        82 Prof. emeritus Alfred M. Braxton Anthropologist Univ. British Columbia Canada

        83 John A Brown watchdog on growing power of corporacy in our world and the world s governments lack of will stop it Education Canada

        84 Denis Cauchon M.Sc. Ph.D. candidate Toxicology Ecole HEC Montreal Canada

        85 Dr. Samit Chakrabarty Ph.D Systems Neurophysiologist Canada

        86 Yoon C. Chen B.Sc. DPM Podiatrist Foot Clinic Lethbridge Alberta Canada

        87 Bert R. Christie Plant Breeding Research Scientist Agriculture and AgriFood Canada Charlotte Town Canada

        88 Dr. E.Ann Clark Ph.D crop physiologist Plant Agriculture University of Guelph Canada

        89 Una Coghlan nterested in securing a healthy food chain Voice of Women Canada

        90 Prof. Alain Cuerrier Taxonomy/Botany Quebec Univ. of Montreal Canada

        91 Prof. Joe Cummins Geneticist University of Western Ontario Canada

        92 Prof. Edwin E. Daniel FRSC Health Science McMaster Univ. Ontario Canada

        93 Justin Duncan B.Sc Environmental biology law and policy Queen's University Canada

        94 Prof. Chavez Eduardo R Ph.D Animal nutrition production and mangement agricultural production systems McGill University Canada

        95 Virginia F. Flamarique AMD Consultant Agrologist Edmonton Canada

        96 Glenn Fletcher M.Sc Masters degree research in toxicology occupational health McMaster University Canada

        97 Dr. Josh Gallant Ph.D surgery general Canada

        98 Dr. Imme Gerke Ph.D Cell biologist BIOTEPP Canada

        99 Julie Guenette M.Phil Philosophical enquiry into our relationship to nature Ottawa University Canada

        100 Tanya Handa M.Sc. Ecologist Univ. Toronto Toronto Canada

        806 Dr. Bruce West Ph.D DC Editor Health Alert Most renowned expert in the use of phytonutrients for cardiac patients with more patients than any living doctor Health Alert Newsletter USA

        807 Ryan White Student St Lawrence University USA

        808 Paul Whitson M.Sc healthcare administrator USA

        809 Dr. George M. Woodwell Director The Woods Hole Research Center USA

        810 Dr. Suzanne M. Wuerthele Toxicologist Toxicology & Risk Assessment federal regulatory agency Denver USA

        811 Dr. John Zamarra M.D. Cardiology Fullerton USA

        812 Dr. M Zamir Ph.D Research Scientist University USA

        813 Prof. Miguel Angel Nunez M.Sc 14 years working and researching in Agroecological Scienes in the tropical areas of Latin America IPIAT Venezuela

        814 Julio Eduardo Perez Genetics of Marine Organisms Universidad de Oriente Venezuela

        815 Taurai Mutanda M.Sc Biotechnologist University of Zimbabwe Zimbabwe


          • 违规禁,【补充】可申诉或道歉来解。偏要看
    • 家园 第二篇报道很有意思


      • 家园 金龙鱼也有专门的非转基因生产线啊

        上面不是写了吗, 金龙鱼也有专门的非转基因生产线, 也同样对市场销售, 老百姓只要愿意多花钱也可以买到。


    • 家园 估计这事还是方错了
      • 家园 见内








        • 见内
          家园 扯淡吧


      • 家园 方错的多了




      • 家园 方是永不认错的

        方是永不认错的, 方粉们也信仰教主永远正确的, :-)

    • 家园 别方粉方粉了





      • 家园 胡说八道小心益海嘉里告你污蔑啊







        • 家园 您老要正视自己的逻辑问题了



        • 家园 你是哪里学的逻辑?



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