
主题:【原创】暗之花,恶之花,黑色经典与cult片大师(序) -- 一条溺水的鱼

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家园 你说的这些都一般吧,不算特别cult

看看Terry Gilliam的“巴西”吧,那是cult的经典,不过可能看不懂。他还拍过“12只猴子”。

还有法国导演,让-皮埃尔·热内 Jean-Pierre Jeunet,他有部片子叫,“黑店狂想曲”,绝对好看。

科恩兄弟的片子都挺好看的,下面推荐的越狱三王,确实不错。还推荐,谋杀绿色脚趾,The Big Lebowski

再推荐一部我个人很喜欢的电影,《童梦失魂夜》,The City Of Lost Children,也是法国片子,很奇幻。

家园 指教不敢当











家园 无比同意
家园 谢谢推荐



家园 那年还有肖申克的救赎呢, 没了阿甘, 估计得轮到安迪先


家园 不同意,


家园 现代版的《奥德赛》



科恩兄弟的电影,我最喜欢<raising arizona>,其次是<Fargo><no country for old man>

家园 《龙虎风云》对昆丁影响不小


家园 EW: Top 50 Cult Movies



Top 50 Cult Movies

Entertainment Weekly Magazine published their list of the Top 50 Cult Movies in their May 23, 2003 issue. This site, Greatest Films, has always had its own descriptions and recommendations for well-known and beloved cult films, at Cult Films. Seven of their choices below were pre-1970, and only two pre-1950.

The magazine's introduction to the article on the Top 50 Cult Movies stated that "most died at the box office, some of them horribly. Mangled and despised, they were re-animated on video. And now they compose our cultural Esperanto, a subliminal vocabulary of vaguely subversive images, ideas, and phrases that we continue to obsess over and dissect at parties, around watercoolers, in bars, over the blaring banalities of the mainstream media din. They are Cult Movies...So if you take your dead evil and your buckaroos banzai-ed, pour yourself a tall glass of Kool-Aid and peruse this list complete with signature lines and a near Talmudic trove of trivia."

Note: The films that are marked with a yellow star are the films that "The Greatest Films" site has selected as the "100 Greatest Films".

Click here to find out more!


The Top 50 Cult Movies

(ranked, in order) - Part 1

1. This Is Spinal Tap (1984)

"It's such a fine line between stupid...and clever."

"He died in a tragic gardening accident... Authorities said... it's best to leave it... unsolved."

2. The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)

"Hi, my name is Brad Majors..." (Asshole!) "...this is my fiancee, Janet Weiss." (Slut!)

3. Freaks (1932)

"Gobble gobble, gobble gobble... We accept her... One of us, one of us..."

4. Harold and Maude (1971)

Harold: "You sure have a way with people."

Maude: "Well, they're my species!"

5. Pink Flamingos (1972)

"Filth are my politics! Filth is my life."

6. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)

"Hey, Grampa, we're gonna let you have this one!"

7. Repo Man (1984)

"Let's go get sushi and not pay!"

8. Scarface (1983)

"Shay 'jello to my wittle vrend!"

9. Blade Runner

"Wake up. Time to die."

10. The Shawshank Redemption (1994)

"Get busy livin' or get busy dyin'."

11. Five Deadly Venoms (1978)


12. Plan 9 From Outer Space (1959)

"All you of Earth are IDIOTS!"

"Greetings, my friends. We are all interested in the future, for that is where you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives. And remember, my friends, future events such as these will affect you in the future."

13. Brazil (1985)

"That is your receipt for your husband...and this is my receipt for your receipt."

14. Eraserhead (1977)

(A pervasive hiss of unsettling white noise.)

15. Faster, Pussy-Cat! Kill! Kill! (1966)

"Honey, we don't like nothing soft. Everything we touch is hard."

16. The Warriors (1979)

"Warriors come out to plaaay." or

"Can...you...dig it?"

17. Dazed and Confused (1993)

"That's what I love about these high school girls, man: I get older, they stay the same age."

18. Hard-Boiled (1992)

"There's no room for failure now. The innocent must die!"

"Give a guy a gun, he thinks he's Superman. Give him two and he thinks he's God."

19. Evil Dead II: Dead by Dawn (1987)

"Groovy" or

"I'll swallow your soul!"

"Let's head on down into that cellar and carve ourselves a witch."

20. The Mack (1973)

"We can settle this like you got some class, or we can get into some gangster s---."

21. Pee-Wee's Big Adventure (1985)

"I know you are, but what am I? Infinity!"

"There's a lot of things about me you don't know anything about, Dottie, things you wouldn't understand, things you couldn't understand."

22. Un Chien Andalou (1928, France)

(It's a silent movie, but shrieks and gasps can often be heard in the audience."

23. Akira (1988)


24. The Toxic Avenger (1985)

"They're going to nuke the monster!"

25. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971)

"What is this, Wonka, some kind of fun house?"

"Why? Having fun?"

26. Stranger Than Paradise (1984)

"It's Screamin' Jay Hawkins, and he's a wild man, so bug off!"

27. Dawn of the Dead (1978)

"They kill for one reason: They kill for food!"

28. The Wiz (1978)

"Ease on down the road."

29. Clerks (1994)

"I'm not even supposed to be here today."

30. The Harder They Come (1973)

"Don'... f--- ... wit' ... me."

31. Slap Shot (1977)

"Old-time hockey!"

32. Re-Animator (1985)

"You steal the secret of life and death, and here you are trysting with a bubbleheaded coed!"

33. Grey Gardens (1976)

"In dealing with me, the relatives didn't know that they were dealing with a staunch character...S-T-A-U-N-C-H."

34. The Big Lebowski (1998)

"The Dude abides."

35. Withnail and I (1987)

"I demand to have some booze!"

36. Showgirls (1995)

"I'm not a whore, I'm a dancer!"

37. A Bucket of Blood (1959)

"I've never seen anything like it before...and I hope I never see anything like it again."

38. They Live (1988)

"I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass...I'm all out of bubble gum."

39. The Best of Everything (1959)

"Here's to men! Bless their clean-cut faces and dirty little minds!"

40. Barbarella (1968)

"I'd better adjust my tongue box."

41. Heathers (1989)

"Did you have a brain tumor for breakfast or something?"

"Hey Ram, doesn't this cafeteria have a no-fags-allowed rule?"

42. Rushmore (1998)

"She's my Rushmore, Max."

43. The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension (1984)

"...No matter where you go, there you are."

"Laugh-a while you can Monkey-Boy!!"

44. Love Streams (1984)

"Life is a series of suicides, divorces, promises broken, children smashed, whatever."

45. Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story (1987)

"I will not wear that hip-hugger thing. Mother. It makes me look really fat."

46. Aguirre, The Wrath of God (1972)

"I am the Wrath of God!"

47. Walking and Talking (1996)

"Do we really have to listen to this vagina music all the way there?"

48. The Decline of Western Civilization II: The Metal Years (1988)

"I'm the happiest son-ofabitch, motherf---er there ever was."

49. Friday (1995)

"It's Friday... You ain't got s--- to do."

50. Faces of Death, Vol. 1 (1978)

"Banned in 46 countries!" (Tagline)

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