
主题:美国政府起诉中国军方人员 -- Magnocaudax

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家园 美国政府起诉中国军方人员

小可在纽约时报那篇主题文章的评论版上关于intellectual property发的comments,只发表出来两个,现在都贴在这里。很多观点是从陈经和其他大侠那里剽窃来的,当然啦,对我们copy-left来说,偷观点那真的不算是偷啊


The whole idea behind intellectual property and theft is just flawed. If you invent the wheel and so gain a comparative advantage over other people, others will only pay you to use the wheel as long as you can guard your secret. It's not like physical object which is numerically single so your obtaining MY apple necessarily means I can't have THAT apple. Other people's having the IDEA of wheel-making is not going to make the inventor of that idea lose his own idea. It only ends the inventor's monopoly over that idea. Therefore to call it a theft is a bit of a stretch of terms. The proper way to call this kind of behavior, I think, should be "monopoly-breaking". We have to be grateful to all the past monopoly-breakers for not having to pay for all the mundane techniques such as zippers, bottoms, and shoe-laces we enjoy today.


W.A. Spitzer Faywood, New Mexico 6 hours ago

If I spend money to do the research, and you take that research without fairly compensating me, then you are taking from me, something that I spent money to buy. Seems like a pretty accurate definition of theft to me.


Your "spending money to do the research" is just a METAPHOR. To break it down, in order to do the research, you spend money to buy food, drink, research equipments, etc., all of which no one has taken away from you. Properly speaking, you didn't buy the result of your research as much as Archimedes didn't buy his principle. In order to buy something you need some one to buy from. Archimedes didn't buy his principle: he DISCOVERED something which has been out there since the Big Bang. Now you can make money out of the result of your research of course, but only so long as you CAN keep it beyond the reach of others. There is no moral right whatsoever extendible beyond that point. Those who argue for such right mistake power for right. Copy "right" is enforced by power, be it political or corporate, which has much to gain from imposing such "right". Therefore it is a misconception to expect "rightful" profit from conducting research: the profit people gain from the research is contingent on 1. the POWER to protect the secret, and 2. when that power is overcome, the POWER to enforce copy "right" law.


PK South Carolina 2 hours ago

You sound like a Chinese 50 cent poster. It's nothing like seeing a wheel and then making your own. It's an intentional theft of technology and software for the explicit purpose of avoiding paying the inventor/innovator for the hard work and expenses incurred. Similar for drug development, techniques for surgery, artificial limbs, joints, AI algorithms, etc. The problem for China is that their communist system does not allow for individual thinking outside their designated box and thus they have no innovation so they feel stealing it is better than paying for it. Stealing someone else's property has always been unethical and immoral.


Sounding like a 50 cent poster is better, I think, than sounding like an IQ 50 poster. I'm challenging the very idea that the so called "intellectual property" is a property and you tell me that stealing someone else's property is unethical. Oh well! What you should be arguing, in order to refute me, is why IDEAS can be properties. Think outside the box, please.

Your "China communist therefore no innovation", again, is just an "inside of the box" argument. The a-deomcratic hierarchical imperial Germany was the leading innovator in the late 19 to the early 20th century. What was our "democratic" America doing then? Copying others, and--surprise surprise--without paying for the ideas at that. So your argument is empirically WRONG and you only believe in it because it makes you feel better. The real reason why America is the leading innovator now is because it is the leading nation with the most advanced industrial capabilities and the biggest economy. You should really work hard now to keep that status rather than simply assuming it if you don't what to see China surpass you in innovation in your life-time while still being a-democratic.


Andrew San Francisco, CA 58 minutes ago

That's ridiculous.

If Chinese companies want to compete with foreign companies who invent, design and create superior products, then they should at least have the honor and industriousness to attempt to reverse engineer the superior foreign products, then - gasp - possibly prove upon them through Chinese smarts and creativity.

Being caught red-handed stealing ideas, technology and other forms of intellectual property from other nations' companies to try to help your inferior businesses to catch up and compete is profoundly humiliating!

It's a self-inflicted insult to China's talent, culture, and civilization. Even a nation NOT concerned with face would be embarrassed.

How shameful!


Hello leading commentator! I fail to see the shame or the ridicule here. Could you please enlighten me with an argument rather than a rant?

As much as I don't think there is such a thing as stealing IDEAS, I do think there is such a thing as stealing or grabbing PHYSICAL assets of others, and that people should be ashamed if they commit such a crime--a crime in which the imperial powers specialize. What makes hoarding "intellectual property" morally questionable is precisely that it helps powers, to which intellectual properties always concentrate because they are by definition powerful, to PHYSICALLY grab the properties of others. We have to be immensely grateful that the Chinese "intellectual thieves" "stole" the idea of A-bomb from the US in the 50s-60s which checked the US from threatening physically. Make no mistake, US did make such a threat in 1951 when they were pushed back in the Korean peninsula and they only abandoned the idea because soon afterwards they withstood the Chinese spring offensive and the war finally ended in a draw.


关键词(Tags): #网络安全#斯诺登#纽约时报通宝推:snark,
家园 辩论的方向不对

“拿走”别人的idea造成的后果确实是你省了研究费用和时间,但却跟别人“共享”了未来的市场;而且因为你研发成本为0 ,可以说基本没有投入,你可以尽量压低产品价格,而研发者却做不到这点导致失去市场。这对idea发明者不公平


家园 确实书生气了点


家园 个人认为还有几点可以谈谈。


1 知识产权保护有自身的特殊性。 和一切财产一样,保护财产有它自己的成本。不注册专利,不交专利费就不予保护,这是知识产权保护成本的体现。 已注册的专利,人人可以查阅,这是市场公平性的体现。 没有注册,公开的知识,谈不上产权,更谈不上偷和保护。

2 知识产权作为商品必须公平对待所有买家。中国资本目前在知识产权市场上常常受到不公平对待。想买,能买却买不到。 在这种前提下,当然要保留不承认相关知识产权正当性的权利。

3 知识产权保护有时存在着投资方和收益方不一致的特殊性。 在本国范围内执法,付出成本的是本国人民,而收益的是他国政府。 目前,这一矛盾主要通过相互承认、保护知识产权的方式来平衡。 可是当两国知识产权保有量明显不平衡时,矛盾一定是无法轻易平衡的。

我要出钱请两个保安来看着你的劳斯莱斯。 你却只要给我的自行车买把锁。 这怎么可能!自然的结果是,自行车的所有者只会给劳斯莱斯与锁价相当的保护。 不过这一矛盾有可能会随着知识产权相对保有量的改变而改善,甚至逆转。

家园 没有仔细看你们的内容,从方向上来讲

从方向上来讲,应该强调中国军方的官方身份;那么美国政府作恶,中国作恶也没啥,对等么~ 如果美国不服气,可以来打一仗。。。如果美国政府不来打一仗,就shut up! 美国人最吃这个逻辑,估计马上闭嘴了~

家园 研究费用其实是基于市场预期的


比如说我高薪雇佣研究员,这实际上是基于可以垄断研究成果这个预期的。所以你的反驳实际上是一个petitio principii。如果没有这个预期,那么我不会高薪雇佣研究员,或者我给的薪水只会高到我可以通过我自己的能力(而非国家暴力机关的执法能力)保守我的研究成果的程度,所以实际上市场会自动调节雇佣研究院和研究费用的。而通过国家暴力机关保护私人的idea赚钱的权利,有公器私用之嫌。

家园 预期的基础是我发明了我享有成果。没人会预期我发明你享受吧











家园 预期是促进社会成员的合作



家园 英文不错

Except for,最后一段,中国的原子弹技术来自苏联,不是美国,这样讲就是给敌人帮忙呢

家园 暂时抛开意识形态国家利益不谈,你的帖子



家园 花敢于跟西方人Argue, 支持自己不同于主流的立场!

这至少证明正直和勇气。Integrity and Courage!

家园 多谢老哥回复


家园 盗是弱者,所以可以理所当然





家园 这种网络工业间谍的事情还是少参和比较好






本帖一共被 1 帖 引用 (帖内工具实现)
家园 我不知道您为什么说强辩,不讲逻辑、事实,想当然地将自己的




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