
主题:【人物】怀念英雄格瓦拉(今天是你的生日) -- dafemren2

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家园 【文摘】 格瓦拉的最后的日子

As Recorded by the CIA in

Southern Command, Activities of the 2nd Ranger Battalion


7 - 9 October 1967:

The combined units of Company A and the supporting units from Company B [a combined force of 1,300 Bolivian men, tranined by US Special Forces and directed by the CIA for the specific task of capturing Che Guevara. Che's guerilla squad had 17 men.] moved into the area of the Churro Ravine using two squads of Company A as a blocking force a few kms north of the small Geino Ravine. Cpt. Prado set up his mortar section east of the Churro Ravine, with 3rd Platoon of Company B to his rear in support, under the command of Sgt. Huauca. 1st Platoon of Company A, under the command of Lt. Perez, entered the Churro Ravine to the north at the confluence of two small streams. Lt. Perez initiated the pursuit and began driving the guerrilla force south while Cpt. Prado's mortars shelled the ravine. At this point a machine gun was brought up to also cover the ravine and hold the left flank of Prado's mortar section and supporting troops. As the 1st Platoon of Company A pushed south they came under fire and lost 3 soldiers immediately. Cpt. Prado then ordered Sgt. Huauca to move down the small Tuscal Ravine and wait at the entrance of the Churro Ravine. The 3rd Platoon of Company B carried out this order and after finding nothing, was ordered to enter the Churro Ravine and gain pursuit in the direction of Lt. Perez's platoon. Sgt. Huauca immediately encountered a group of 6 to 8 guerillas and opened fire. At this point they killed "Anotondo" and "Orturo", two Cubans. Sgt. Huauca lost one soldier here and another was wounded. "Ramon" (Guevara) and "Willy" tried to break out in the direction of the mortar section. They were sighted by the machine gun crew which took them under fire. "Ramon" (Guevara) was hit in the lower calf and was helped by "Willy" [Sarabia] toward the Tuscal Ravine where apparently they rested for a few minutes. They then moved north, directly in front of Cpt. Prado who ordered several soldiers to chase them. Soldiers Encinos, Cheques, and Balboa were the first Bolivians to lay hands on Guevara. "Willy" and "Ramon" (Guevara) were later transported back to La Higueras with Cpt. Prado and the elements of Companies A and B. The Bolivians did not remain in position after nightfall. From 1900 hrs until 0400 hrs on the 9th, there were no significant Bolivian troops in the area of the fire fight. This gave the guerilla force ample time to escape the area, but either due to confusion after the battle or poor evaluation of the situation by their leaders, the guerilla force remained in the Churro Ravine.

On 30 October 67, at a small pavilion in La Esperanza, Bolivia, Lt. Ral. Espinoza Lord, Company B, 2nd Ranger Bn, stated the following in regards to the handling of Ernest "Che" guevara. Guevara and "Willy" were transported back to La Hiqueras on the afternoon of the 8th, after the battle at the Churro Ravine. Guevara had a slight wound in the lower calf, which was treated upon returning to La Hiqueras. Lt. Espinoza talked at length with Guevara, though Guevara did not reveal any pertinent information. Espinoza felt a high regard for Guevara as a soldier and a man, and was anxious to know more of this "legendary figure". Guevara answered all of his question[s] with remarks such as "perhaps" or "possibly". Early in the morning of the 9th of October, the unit received the order to execute Guevara and the other captives. Previously, Col. Santana, Commander of the 8th Division, had given express orders to keep the prisoners alive. The Officers involved did not know where the order originated, but felt that it came from the highest echelons [A]. Cpt. Frado gave the order to execute Guevara to Lt. Perez, but he was unable to carry out the order and in turn gave it to Sgt. Terran, Company A. At this time Perez asked Guevara if there was anything he wished before his execution. Guevara replied that he only wished to "die with a full stomach". Perez asked him if he was a "materialist", by having requested only food. Guevara returned to his previous tranquil manner and answered only "perhaps". Perez then called him a "poor shit" and left the room. By this time, Sgt. Terran had fortified his courage with several beers and returned to the room where Guevara stood up, hands tied in front, and stated, "I know what you have come for, I am ready." Terran looked at him for a few minutes and then said, "No you are mistaken, be seated." Sgt. Terran then left the room for a few moments.

"Willy", the prisoner taken with Guevara, was being held in a small house a few metres away. While Terran was waiting outside to get his nerves back, Sgt. Huauca entered and shot "Willy." "Willy" was a Cuban and according to the sources had been an instigator of the riots among the miners in Bolivia. Guevara heard the burst of fire in his room and for the first time appeared to be frightened. Sgt. Terran returned to the room where Guevara was being held. When he entered, Guevara stood and faced him. Sgt. Terran told Guevara to be seated but he refused to sit down and stated, "I will remain standing for this." The Sgt. began to get angry and told him to be seated again, but Guevara would say nothing. Finally Guevara told him, "Know this now, you are [only] killing a man." Terran then fired a burst from his M2 carbine, knocking Guevara back into the wall of the small house.[B]


[A] Excerpt from The Death of Che Guevara, explaining Rodriguez's (the CIA agent responsible for the tactical movements of Company A and B) role in Che's execution:

Although he apparently was under CIA instructions to "do everything possible to keep him alive," Rodriguez transmitted the order to execute Guevara from the Bolivian High Command to the soldiers at La Higueras ― he also directed them not to shoot Guevara in the face so that his wounds would appear to be combat-related [to cover up the illegal execution without trial] ― and personally informed Che that he would be killed. After the execution, Rodriguez took Che's Rolex watch, often proudly showing it to reporters during the ensuing years.

[B] An alternative version of these events, as told by CIA Agent Felix Rodriguez, who ordered Che's execution:

1:30 p.m.: Che's final battle commences in Quebrada del Yuro. Simon Cuba (Willy) Sarabia, a Bolivian miner, leads the rebel group. Che is behind him and is shot in the leg several times. Sarabia picks up Che and tries to carry him away from the line of fire. The firing starts again and Che's beret is knocked off. Sarabia sits Che on the ground so he can return the fire. Encircled at less than ten yards distance, the Rangers concentrate their fire on him, riddling him with bullets. Che attempts to keep firing, but cannot keep his gun up with only one arm. He is hit again on his right leg, his gun is knocked out of his hand and his right forearm is pierced. As soldiers approach Che, he shouts, "Do not shoot! I am Che Guevara and worth more to you alive than dead." The battle ends at approximately 3:30 p.m. Che is taken prisoner....

Rodriguez enters the schoolhouse to tell Che of the orders from the Bolivian high command. Che understands and says, "It is better like this ... I never should have been captured alive." Che gives Rodriguez a message for his wife and for Fidel, they embrace, and Rodriguez leaves the room.



Written: 28 November 1967

Publisher: Southern Command, Activities of the 2nd Ranger Battalion and Death of Che Guevara

Transcription/Markup: Brian Basgen

Online Version: Ernesto Che Guevara Internet Archive (marxists.org) 1999, 2002


Che Guevara Internet Archive


格瓦拉的最后的日子 (由南方司令部的中央情报局记录)--这是我自己翻译的,多多包涵.


袭击格瓦拉一共兵分两路,一路为A,一路为B(美国中央情报局CIA发起,一班由1300人组成的由美国特种部队训练的玻利维亚武装.他们 的

任务是搜捕切格瓦拉及其包括切在内的17人的游击队。)该武装的A路派遣两个班到Geino峡谷北部的尤罗峡谷地区去拦截,以防切的游击 队从此

逃跑。SGT.HUAUCA下令CPT.PRADO 在尤罗峡谷的东部地区摆好了迫击炮,并且动用了三个排的兵力以防不测。LT.PEREZ命令A路一排兵力的


下令追击游击队并且迫使游击队往南走。伊始,A路的一个排向前推进的时候遭到游击队的还击,并且该排死了三个人。CPT.PRADO感觉 不妙,


SGT.HUAUCA立即遭遇六到八个游击队员并且交火了。交火中,他们杀死了两个古巴游击队员分别叫做“Anotonda”和“Orturo”。 SGT.HUAUCA

的队伍同时也有一死一伤。“Ramon”(也就是格瓦拉)和“Willy”试图突围有迫击炮的区域,但是他们被机枪手发现了并且开枪。 “Ramon”

(格瓦拉)的小腿受伤并由“Willy搀扶到TUSCAL 峡谷附近并且休息了几分钟。他俩然后就往南走,直接装上了由 CPT.PRADO

指定蹲点守候的士兵。Encinos,Cheques,和Balboa是最先找到格瓦拉的三个玻利维亚人。“Ramon”(格瓦拉)和“Willy”便被逮捕 ,

不久就被CPT.PRADO同他的两路人马押送到La Higueras。同时,玻利维亚人黄昏后也撤离了这个地方。撤离后使得其他的游击队有充足 的时间


1967年10月30日(我不知道作者为什么写30号,格瓦拉是9号牺牲的。),在玻利维亚LA ESPERANZA的一个小帐篷里面,

Lt. Ral. Espinoza Lord开始关心格瓦拉的处理问题。格瓦拉和willy在八号下午被押回了La Hiqueras ,同时格瓦拉的小腿的伤也得到了治疗。

Lt. Espinoza和格瓦拉进行了详谈,但是格瓦拉坚决不泄漏任何东西,Espinoza很崇拜格瓦拉,觉得他是个战士和汉子。并且很想知道 他的

传奇身份。格瓦拉回答了他提出的所有的问题,回答的问题中都带有“也许”“可能”这样的词语。十月九号的早上,部队接到了上级 的指示,

要处死格瓦拉及其其他被俘的游击队员。以前,SANTANA上校给过不要杀格瓦拉的指示,但是这些当事军官不知道消息的确切的来源,当 然来

源于最高上级的可能性要大。Cpt. Frado 命令Lt. Perez处死格瓦拉,但是后者不敢,他就把任务交给了Sgt. Terran。Sgt. Terran在执行处死

格瓦拉之前问格瓦拉是否有想要说得,格瓦拉重复了他唯一想说的:“die with a full stomach”。(不要让我做个饿死鬼)Preze觉得格瓦

拉只是想吃东西就问格瓦拉是否是唯物主义者。格瓦拉以同样的方法回答了他的问题:“也许吧”!Perez大骂道:“poor shit”(大 概相当于

中文的“贱人”吧)便离开了房间。Sgt. Terran不敢处死格瓦拉,便喝酒壮胆来到格瓦拉站立的房间,在那个房间里格瓦拉站在那里并 且手朝

前绑着。“我知道你来干什么地,我准备好了”格瓦拉说。Sgt. Terran看了他几分钟然后说道:“你错了,坐好!”言毕Sgt. Terran 离开房间

几分钟了。willy,被关押在离格瓦拉不远的一个小房间里面。当Sgt. Terran在门外战战兢兢不敢杀格瓦拉的时候,Sgt. Huauca杀了 willy。

willy是一个古巴人并据调查他是一个玻利维亚矿场骚乱的煽动者。格瓦拉听到了枪响,并且开始有点害怕。Sgt. Terran 便进来了,要

格瓦拉坐好,但是格瓦拉拒绝坐下。“我会一直站着直到你的枪响”Sgt. Terran 愤怒了,并再一次要求格瓦拉坐下,但是格瓦拉什么 也不说。

最后格瓦拉告诉他:“Know this now, you are [only] killing a man.”(记住,你杀死的是一个男子汉)Terran 然后就用卡宾枪杀死了格


from http://www.mavishee.y365.com/speach.htm

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