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家园 小保方晴子的文章被调查了

小保方晴子的文章很轰动。能用这么简单的方法逆转细胞,自然引起不少关注,也让不少人尝试重复。按Nature的跟踪报道(外链出处),回复Nature调查的10个顶尖干细胞研究小组中,至今没有一个报告成功。 在 外链出处 汇总了不同实验室的结果。已经的9个实验中,7个是失败。Yoshiyuki Seki先是报告有可能,再次更新的结果是失败了。至今只有Dr. P报告一个模棱两可的结果。不过也要注意到一点,大部分实验用的细胞都和小保方晴子用的不同。

The scepticism has been inflamed by reports of difficulty in reproducing Obakata’s latest results. None of ten prominent stem-cell scientists who responded to a questionnaire from Nature has had success. A blog soliciting reports from scientists in the field reports eight failures. But most of those attempts did not use the same types of cells that Obokata used.

文章的co-author之一, Teruhiko Wakayama,辩解说可能原因是大家把实验方案想得太简单了。他和他的学生在小保方晴子的手把手指导下成功过,不过等他搬到山梨大学自己再干就没这么好运气了。有人联系小保方晴子询问更详细的实验方法细节,回答是“the authors will publish a detailed protocol soon”。这答复也正常。因为字数的限制,Nature上的文章不可能写太多细节。不少作者是Nature发文章后再发一篇长的“扩展版”在本专业杂志上,详细介绍工作中的一些细节。

The protocol might just be complicated — even Wakayama has been having trouble reproducing the results. He and a student in his laboratory did replicate the experiment independently before publication, after being well coached by Obokata. But since he moved to Yamanashi, he has had no luck. “It looks like an easy technique — just add acid — but it’s not that easy,” he says.

真正的麻烦出在发表的图像上。比如同期第二篇文章里面Fig.2g旋转一下就很像Fig.1b (Long exposure)。 外链出处。 小保方晴子文章的通信作者,哈佛医学院的Charles Vacanti解释是一个honest mistake,做图的时候搞混了一些图像,但图像上的问题不影响实验结果和数据。另外,小保方晴子的另一篇2011文章被翻出来,发现里面的图像也有疑问。她所在的Riken则已经对此展开调查。不过Riken已经表态 "At this point in time, our judgment is that the research findings are solid", 估计雷声大雨点小。

That scepticism deepened last week when blogs such as PubPeer started noting what seem to be problems in the two Nature papers and in an earlier paper from 2011, which relates to the potential of stem cells in adult tissues. In the 2011 paper, on which Obokata is first author, a figure showing bars meant to prove the presence of a certain stem-cell marker appears to have been inverted and then used to show the presence of a different stem-cell marker. A part of that same image appears in a different figure indicating yet another stem-cell marker. The paper contains another apparent unrelated duplication.

The corresponding author of that study, Charles Vacanti, an anaesthesiologist at Harvard Medical School in Boston, told Nature that he learned only last week of a “mix up of some panels”. He has already contacted the journal to request a correction. “It certainly appears to have been an honest mistake [that] did not affect any of the data, the conclusions or any other component of the paper,” says Vacanti.

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