
主题:从原神到雷导的《拿破仑》:自己的文化,一定要自己拍出来 -- 亮子

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【Many critics of the film's historical aspects, including historians Adam Tooze and Andrew Roberts安德鲁·罗伯茨, believed it ignored Napoleon's numerous non-military achievements, as well as his popularity with the French people.[73][74] Roberts, a Napoleon biographer, said his portrayal as a proto-Hitler was "as tired as it is absurd".[75][76] Historian Zack White(英国历史研究者) agreed, saying the film mirrored contemporary British propaganda denigrating Napoleon as a "Corsican ruffian".[76] Ellin Stein(英国专栏作家), writing for Slate, pointed out that Napoleon was known for his passion for literature and Enlightenment thought – a far cry from the boorish, loutish soldier that Scott depicts.[77] French historian Patrice Gueniffey帕特里斯·格里费 called the movie "anti-French" and full of historical inaccuracies.[78] Joan Tumblety(英国南安大学法国现代史教授) wrote that the film ignored relevant historical atrocities such as the Siege of Jaffa.[79]

Napoleon did not attend the execution of Marie Antoinette, as Napoleon was commanding forces at Toulon at the time. The movie depicts a defeated Napoleon meeting Wellington, whereas in actuality, the two men never met.[80][81][82] Oxford historian Michael Broers(牛津历史学家,本片历史顾问,顾问而已), who worked on the movie, noted several inaccuracies in Napoleon and Josephine's relationship, including the timing of their divorce (1809, not 1807), its nature (Napoleon did not slap Josephine during their divorce), and its rationale (Josephine is portrayed as encouraging the divorce, whereas in reality, she was fearful of it).[83] The historical Josephine also died the day before Napoleon's exile to Elba, not a year later during the Hundred Days, and thus was not a factor in Napoleon's return.[80]

The film presents Napoleon as firing on the Pyramids of Giza, which never happened.[77] Cairo egyptologist Salima Ikram(埃及历史学家,指出拿破仑对狮身人面像和金字塔的尊重而不可能如电影中所描述的朝金字塔开火) pointed out that Napoleon held the Sphinx and the pyramids in high esteem and used them as motivation for his troops. "He definitely did not take pot shots at them."[84] In an interview with The Times, Scott defended his depiction of the attack on the pyramids as being "a fast way of saying [Napoleon] took Egypt."(与时代杂志访谈中,斯科特说他描述拿破仑对吉萨大金字塔开火是表明拿破仑夺取了埃及的一个快捷电影手法。草!)[85]

Historian Paul du Quenoy(美国出版业大亨,历史学者,艺术评论者) criticized the depiction of Napoleonic era battlefield tactics, especially the Austerlitz sequence, "one of the few battles that the film depicts in detail." He noted that historians consider the ambush on the ice to be myth of the Austerlitz campaign, "a minor detail whose significance has been doubted almost since the time of the battle."[80] Napoleon, an artillery officer by training, never personally led a cavalry charge, as is shown at Borodino and Waterloo.[81][86][87] Franz-Stefan Gady(当代美国国际政治研究者,偏向军事战略研究), writing for Foreign Policy, described the battle sequences as "a Hollywood mishmash of medieval melees, meaningless cannonades, and World War I-style infantry advances." "For all of Scott’s fixation on Napoleon’s battles, he seems curiously disinterested in how the real Napoleon fought them."[81]

Scott dismissed criticisms of the film's historical inaccuracies. "Napoleon dies then, ten years later, someone writes a book. Then someone takes that book and writes another, and so, 400 [sic] years later, there's a lot of imagination [in history books]. When I have issues with historians, I ask: 'Excuse me, mate, were you there? No? Well, shut the fuck up then.'"[88][89] Scott also declared, responding to French critics, that "the French don't even like themselves".[90]】







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