
主题:试试贴图:法兰西之吻——苏菲玛索 -- letitbe

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  • 家园 试试贴图:法兰西之吻——苏菲玛索










    关键词(Tags): #法兰西之吻(当生)#苏菲玛索(当生)#法兰西(当生)
    • 家园 我好喜欢她啊,特别是在《勇敢的心》里的演出,太美了
    • 家园 好图


    • 家园 好图!花一朵。
    • 家园 好漂亮


    • 家园 从初吻(La Boum)就开始喜欢。我认为是最美丽的女演员之一



      Reality - Richard Sanderson

      Met you by surprise I didn't realize

      That my life would change forever

      Saw you standing there

      I didn't know I cared

      There was something special in the air

      Dreams are my realize

      The only kind of real fantasy

      Illusions are a common thing

      I try to live in dreams

      It seems as it's meant to be

      Dreams are my reality

      A different kind of reality

      I dream of loving in the night

      And loving seems a night

      Althoughj it's only fantasy

      If you do exist honey don't resist

      Show me a new way of loving

      Tell me that to do show me what to do

      I feel shomething special about you

      Dreams are my reality

      The only kind of reality

      May be must fool is ness has past

      And may be now at last

      I'll see how a real thing can be

      Dreams are my reality

      A wonderous world where I like to be

      I dream of holing you all night and holing you seem try

      Perhaps that's my reality

      Met you by surprise I didn't realize

      That'my life would change forever

      Tell me that it's true feelings that are you

      I feel something special about you

      Dreams are my reality

      A wonderous world where I like to be

      Illusions are a common thing

      Try to live in dreams

      Although it's only fantasy

      Dreams are my reality

      I like to dream of you close to me

      I dream of loving the night

      And loving you seem try

      Perhaps that's my reality

      • 家园 音乐好熟悉啊,仿佛回到大学时代

        这是隔壁宿舍爱唱英文歌的家活洗冷水澡时保留曲目。片中还有一首插曲叫Your Eyes,也很好听,不知物是能否找来共同回味。


        • 家园 "Your Eyes"是“初吻II”的主题曲

          cook de books 因此曲而成名


          地址 外链出处

          Your eyes opened wide

          As I looked your way

          Couldn't hide what

          They meant to say

          Feeling lost in

          A crowded room

          It's too soon for a new love

          When you smile

          Your eyes show your heart

          Lost inside a suit on a bar

          Feeling alone with

          People around

          True love is hard to find now

          You think you're

          So misunderstood

          I'd explain if only I could

          Something tells me

          This time it's real

          The way that I feel

          Your eyes like the blue

          In the summer skies

          Caught my gaze

          As I looked across

          Feeling lost in a magic maze

          It's too soon for a new love

          You can't hide that

          Look in your eyes

          Open wide you

          Seem so surprised

          Searching around

          For somebody new

          True love is hard to find now

          When you smile your eyes

          Show your heart

          I feel mine is falling apart

          Can't you see the

          Way that I feel

          My loving is real

          When you're lost your eyes

          Show you how

          I should like to

          Know I'm about

          When your eyes shine

          I know you're mine

          For all of the time

    • 家园 好图。


    • 家园 好看的照片
    • 家园 漂亮啊 ....
    • 家园 辛苦了,花一朵


    • 家园 花一个


    • 家园 觉得她

      气质方面很 sophisticated. 第二张 (应该是“勇敢的心”) 高贵典雅雍容;第一和三张则很阳光活泼;第四张优雅沉静而又忧郁;第五张当然是性感,但性感中又有一点冷漠孤傲,这反而更增其性感;第七张温情善良,第八张优雅,又微微有点俏皮;第九张沉静而带几分警惕和不羁。


      另外她的魅力其实还缘于一个比较低层次的方面 --- 她“资本”虽然不是超级雄厚但很适中而且真实,嘿嘿

      这个女人集天下男人梦寐以求的多种 desirable 的女性气质于一身,无论你偏爱优雅成熟睿智,还是喜欢纯真烂漫,还是喜欢性感曼妙,还是喜欢高贵孤傲,还是喜欢沉静温柔... 都可以在她身上找到。另外她还有特别重要的一点 ---- low maintenance. 但这一点并不妨碍她表现出高贵雍容和矜持孤傲的气质侧面来。而绝大多数女人是无法做到这一点的,一旦高贵孤傲了,就 high maintenance 了... 所以这个女人是个迷... 不是尤物是什么?

      • 家园 专业点评啊~再贴两张或许能补遗的片片:)

        西西河的人都太牛了,评的恰到好处,我不多贴几张就心痒难搔啊呵呵。实在是很fan sophie marceau的古装照,再贴一张~







        关键词(Tags): #苏菲·玛索(当生)
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