
主题:【讨论】米国的“愤青” -- 颜子

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  • 家园 【讨论】米国的“愤青”






    [URL=http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=7408]Law and Resistance: The Republic in Crisis and the People’s Response


    Since the impeachable installation of George Bush Jr. as President by the U.S. Supreme Court’s Gang of Five, the people of the world have witnessed a government in the United States that has demonstrated little if any respect for fundamental considerations of international law, human rights, or the United States Constitution.


    Such civil resistance activities represent the last constitutional avenue open to the American people to preserve their democratic form of government with its historical commitment to the rule of law and human rights.


    • 家园 【讨论】Noam Chomsky

      说到美国的“愤青”不可不说Noam Chomsky


      Ever since Mr. Chávez held up a copy of a 301-page book by Noam Chomsky, the linguist and left-wing political commentator, during a speech at the United Nations on Wednesday, sales of the book have climbed best-seller lists at Amazon.com and BN.com, the online site for the book retailer Barnes & Noble, and booksellers around the country have noted a spike in sales.


      Avram Noam Chomsky (Hebrew: אברם נועם חומסקי) (born December 7, 1928) is an American linguist, philosopher, political activist, author, and lecturer. He is an Institute Professor and professor emeritus of linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

      Chomsky is credited with the creation of the theory of generative grammar, considered to be one of the most significant contributions to the field of linguistics made in the 20th century. He also helped spark the cognitive revolution in psychology through his review of B. F. Skinner's Verbal Behavior, in which he challenged the behaviorist approach to the study of behavior and language dominant in the 1950s. His naturalistic approach to the study of language has also affected the philosophy of language and mind. He is also credited with the establishment of the Chomsky hierarchy, a classification of formal languages in terms of their generative power.

      According to the Arts and Humanities Citation Index in 1992, Chomsky was cited as a source more often than any other living scholar during the 1980–1992 time period, and was the eighth-most cited scholar in any time period.[2][3][4]

      Beginning with his critique of the Vietnam War in the 1960s, Chomsky has become more widely known—especially internationally—for his media criticism and politics. He is generally considered to be a key intellectual figure within the left wing of United States politics. Chomsky is widely known for his political activism, and for his criticism of the foreign policy of the United States and other governments.




      NYC, NY: Does the transfer of wealth from the US to China (by reducing trade restrictions) really increase the growth of a Chinese middle class? And will this middle class accumulate enough wealth to spread the concentration of power in China?

      Noam Chomsky: I wouldn't expect the trade deals with China to transfer wealth from the US to China. Rather, in both countries it will contribute to transfering wealth to privileged sectors and away from the general populations -- though as always, they might enjoy some benefits, as an incidental by-product. The largest effect will probably within China. Opening China's borders to US imports and allowing a good part of its economy to be taken over by US financial institutions, and other concomitants of these agreements, are likely to be highly beneficial to elements of Chinese society that take part in these arrangements, possibly quite harmful to most of the population -- who have no voice. They are not represented by their government, surely not ours.



      McLeod: Turning to China, you mentioned that China is becoming a major competitor to US power in Asia, and even that the US is “frightened by China”. How does China pose a threat to US interests in Asia?

      Chomsky: China does not pose a military threat. In fact, of all the major powers, China has probably been the most restrained in building up its military forces. China poses a very serious threat because it cannot be intimidated [by the US].

      Take for example Iran and Iraq. The US wants the world to boycott Iran in pursuit of US policies. Europe sort of shakes its fist, but Europe pretty much backs off. So when the US warns countries not to invest in Iran, European investors – banks and so on – tend to pull out, not entirely, they find some ways to get around it, but they do pretty much pull out.

      But China on the other hand doesn’t pay any attention. They just go ahead and do what they want to do – they have been there for 3000 years…The idea that there is a potentially powerful state that cannot easily be intimidated is very threatening to people want to rule the rule the world.

      [The US] is a little bit like the mafia. The Godfather does not tolerate disobedience, even in a small storekeeper, let alone somebody that matters, so that’s a threat.

      However, the US relationship with China is also very ambivalent. On one hand, from the point of view of state power, China is threatening because it follows its own course.

      On the other hand, powerful business interests in the US are of course highly influential in determining state policy. These businesses have a real stake in China – it is a wonderful platform for cheap exports and it’s a potential market. They want relations with China to be strong, but there is an internal conflict in the US.

      Remember that China has enormous financial reserves that surpass Japan – it is the leading holder of foreign reserves – it is keeping the US economy afloat. So it’s a pretty tricky, complex relationship.

      McLeod: Does Asia have much to worry about from China’s rising power and influence?

      Chomsky: Anytime a big power is developing, everybody has to worry including the Chinese people.

      Concentrations of power are dangerous. There is plenty of history about that.

      How much does it have to worry? Well, that depends on how things progress. So closer relations between India and China, which are now developing, could be beneficial to Asia. It’s much better than having them muscle their neighbours.



    • 家园 【讨论】Elaine Meinel Supkis



      我很喜欢看她的部落 不只因为她会写这样的帖子

      HAHAHA. That is so funny. The Chinese listen to all this with impressive self-control. They are quite aware of the history of European finances. They discuss this between themselves all the time. I would suggest, the Chinese are history buffs who really want to understand the past. After the French empire collapsed after WWII and under pressure from colonial uprisings such as in Vietnam and Algieria, had to join with Germany to create a sound currency. If a powerful currency is a sign of greatness, then the Europeans should be HAPPY they have this wonderful thing! Not run off to the Chinese to scream about this.

      This unseemly behavior belittles Europe and it is a huge loss of face in the East. I would suggest they shut up and start reading Chinese history and Japanese history. Or read my news service. The fact that the American empire does this too is very pathetic. We should fix our own affairs and shut up or we can act like international babies and be irresponsible and stupid. It is obvious which choice is the better.

      Also we must take note of a funny horns of dilemma moment here: Europe is frightened that the Airbus orders will decline due to the euro being strong but this week, China artfully signed a huge Airbus contract. So China can always tear this up if the Europeans make too much trouble for the Dragon in its little dark cave. The Europeans know this and hope that China ignores their public pleas. I suspect they have this backroom deal going. One that is very secret. What do these bankers and negotiators say in private? We can only guess. I suspect they apologize to the Chinese and say, 'We must do this for political reasons.'

      But Chinese patience will end. Everyone can see this. They can't be the world's financial and industrial engine while also being the villain for all the woes of the dying empires to the West.







      The banking crisis continues unabated. Just the other day, the Federal Reserve had to dump huge sums into our own system. Friday, the Bank of Europe did the same. Liquidity has dried up like the Sahara. Both gold and oil continue to ratchet each other upwards as the dollar dies And the Federal Reserve thinks there is no crisis, just a little bump in the road. I want to bump them off the road.


      • 家园 Nikkei中文翻译是“日经”或“日本经济新闻社”。

        Nikkei中文翻译是“日经”或“日本经济新闻社”。Nikkei 225翻译为“日经225指数”。

    • 家园 读过Christopher Hitchens 的文章吗?他的文章


      • 家园 倒是没有。要不,您介绍介绍?
        • 家园 就是挤兑特瑞莎修女的那个


          他主意厕身Vanity Fair 和The Nation,纽约书评也经常发文章。在各种演讲和辩论中也是常见。算是个名人了。原先是个左派,后声名向右。算是九十年代以后典型的美国转型知识分子吧。此后成为攻击左派的人,但对右翼也并不手软。比较特瑞莎和基辛格的例子,我们就知道,他是那种双重愤青的。


    • 家园 【讨论】Paul Craig Roberts


      他曾经是Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration.


      Earlier when I resigned from the Reagan administration to accept appointment to the new chair, CSIS was part of Georgetown University. The University's liberal president, Timothy Healy, objected to having anyone from the Reagan administration in a chair affiliated with Georgetown University. CSIS had to defuse the situation by appointing a distinguished panel of scholars from outside universities, including Harvard, to ratify my appointment.

      I can truly say that at one time or the other both sides have tried to shut me down. I have experienced the same from "free thinking" libertarians, who are free thinking only inside their own box.

      Americans need to understand that many interests are using the "war on terror" to achieve their agendas. The Federalist Society is using the "war on terror" to achieve its agenda of concentrating power in the executive and packing the Supreme Court to this effect. The neocons are using the war to achieve their agenda of Israeli hegemony in the Middle East. Police agencies are using the war to remove constraints on their powers and to make themselves less accountable. Republicans are using the war to achieve one-party rule--theirs. The Bush administration is using the war to avoid accountability and evade constraints on executive powers. Arms industries, or what President Eisenhower called the "military-industrial complex," are using the war to fatten profits. Terrorism experts are using the war to gain visibility. Security firms are using it to gain customers. Readers can add to this list at will. The lack of debate gives carte blanche to these agendas.



      It’s the sort of thing this celebrity press corps will do to make stories turn out the way that they want. And guess what? Three days before Charen’s creative report--on the very same Washington Times op-ed page--Paul Craig Roberts had also reversed the direction of time, so he could heap blame on President Clinton.


      The US Navy...Made in China

      US corporations decided that the way to get rich was to destroy their American consumer base by closing their American factories, throwing their US employees out of work and hiring Chinese instead.

      The Chinese work for less, you see, and free trade economists say lowering costs makes us better off.

      What US corporations and the free trade economists overlook is that giving Americans' jobs to foreigners raises foreign incomes and lowers American incomes. When credit cards and home equity lines are maxed out, there will be nothing to support the US consumer market. The American corporations who moved their capital and technology to China will have to find new customers.

      Maybe the Chinese government will let the relocated US firms sell to Chinese customers, or maybe the Chinese government will let the US firms go bankrupt. The latter favors China's strategic interest. Chinese businessmen will purchase the bankrupt firms, and Chinese businesses will sell to Chinese customers.

      The outsourcing mania has hit the Pentagon, and China will soon be supplying the ships for the US Navy. The Pentagon, seeking lowest cost, is pushing defense contractors to outsource offshore for more materials, components and systems.

      This means the end of US shipbuilding capability. Component suppliers to American shipbuilding are already skeletal thin, with most components only having sole suppliers. For example, Manufacturing & Technology News (July 8) reports that 80% of the components for the Virginia Class submarine come from sole sources.

      今年中国威胁论大唱的时候他又写了China is not the Problem

      The pressure put on China is misdirected. The exchange rate is not the main cause of the US trade deficit with China. The costs of labor, regulation and harassment are far lower in China, and US corporations have offshored their production to China in order to benefit from these lower costs. When a company shifts its production from the US to a foreign country, it transforms US Fross Domestic Product (GDP) into imports. Every time a US company offshores goods and services, it adds to the US trade deficit.

      Clearly, it is a mistake for the US government and economists to think of the imbalance as if it were produced by Chinese companies underselling goods produced by US companies in America. The imbalance is the result of US companies producing their goods in China and selling them in America.

      Many believe the solution is to force China to revalue its currency, thereby driving up the prices of 70 per cent of the goods on Wal-Mart shelves.

      Mysteriously, members of the US government believe that it would help US consumers, who are as dependent on imported manufactured goods as they are on imported energy, to be charged higher prices.


      • 家园 【补充】此君曾经写过一句话

        在他的[URL=http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article14531.htm ]Gullible Americans [/URL]里,他曾经说过:

        The Chinese leaders and intellectuals with whom I was meeting were incredulous. How could a majority of the population in an allegedly free country with an allegedly free press be so totally misinformed?

        The only answer I could give the Chinese is that Americans would have been the perfect population for Mao and the Gang of Four, because Americans believe anything their government tells them.



    • 家园 【讨论】Joe Bageant



      Born 1946 in Winchester VA, USA. US Navy Vietnam era veteran.

      After stint in Navy became anti-war hippie, ran off to the West Coast ... lived in communes, hippie school buses... started writing about holy men, countercultural figures, rock stars and the American scene in 1971 ... lived in Boulder Colorado until mid 1980s ... 14 years in all ... became a Marxist and a half-assed Buddhist ... Traveled to Central America to write about third World issues...

      Moved to the Coeur d'Alene Indian reservation in Idaho, built a cabin, lived without electricity, farmed with horses for seven years ... tended reservation bar (The Bald Eagle Bar), wrote for regional newspapers... generally festered on life in America ... Moved to Moscow, Idaho, worked on third rate newspaper there ... Then moved to Eugene Oregon, worked for an international magazine corporation pushing insecticides and pesticides to farmers worldwide.

      Then back to hometown of Winchester VA to settle some scores with the bigoted, murderous redneck town I grew up in. I love'em but they need a good ass kicking.

      Died in 2000 when George Bush got elected ... died along with 275 million other Americans ... Plan to rise again from the dead when he is tossed out ...maybe reincarnate as a Commie terrorist on Wall Street ... maybe as a sex worker in Amsterdam ... can't decide ... both have their advantages.

      Joe Bageant




      I hear ya hoss! And there is no way in hell to convince that 20% or so who are in the otherwise imaginary middle class that there are so many of us out here, partly because they look around their suburbs or urban apartment neighborhoods and don't see anyone in our situation, and partly because most of us do not admit it to ourselves. Because to do so would be to accept personal failure under the American myth of "personal accountability and responsibility." But the fact is that most of us are trapped and always have been. Compounding matters is that we are buried under an avalanche of cheap goods purchased on credit cards, cheap slave-made clothing that makes us look better off than we are, debt financed new cars and trucks and homes that will soon be going back to the mortgage companies and banks that rented them to us during the boom.


    • 家园 【讨论】Arthur Silber





      At this moment in the monstrously bloody course of American Empire, I suppose I might take the sardonically grateful point of view. At least we now have some direct experience of how easy it was for nauseatingly corrupt Roman leaders to impose their will upon the ignorant hordes, and literally to get away with murder. Hell, who needed to "get away" with murder? Bloody, painful, lingering, ungraspably sadistic murder was one of the major entertainments.


      And I repeat: even if Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons, SO WHAT?



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