
主题:关于报大学专业的事,征求大家的意见、建议 -- 齐若散

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  • 家园 关于报大学专业的事,征求大家的意见、建议





    (1) Bioinformatics,

    (2) Business Administration and Mathematics Double Degree,

    (3) Computational Mathematics,

    (4) Computer Science,

    (5) Mathematics,

    (6) Mathematics/Chartered Accountancy,

    (7) Mathematics/Business Administration

    • 家园 我觉得大本的时候,学校比专业重要。同意林小筑的观点



      我觉得Business Administration and Mathematics Double Degree和Mathematics/Chartered Accountancy不错,薪水会较高,不过不会太轻松。至于好不好找工作,很大程度上依赖于滑大的这个专业在北美金融界的影响力。在这点上,也许滑大cs的影响力要大一点。



    • 家园 不敢给你瞎参谋,同意老轧说的


    • 家园 老生详谈一下

      Waterloo's highest admission score department used to be Electrical/Computer/Systems Design Engineering. Besides Engineering, Waterloo also has pretty high regard in Computer Sciense (said to be the best in Canada, along with Wat's engineering), Mathmatics, Accounting. I heard Applied Physics and Physics are also pretty good. Business Administration, Wilfrid Laurier across the street has a better reputation.

      Waterloo's value lies in its Co-op system, students got their practical training every other semester, if your son does not want to join co-op program then he may think otherwise.

      UoT only admitted your son in Physics, I don't know how good its Physics department is. Guelph/McMaster used to have a good reputation on basic sciense.

      McClean(?) magazine used to publish an evaluation on Canadian schools every year, it used be the highest regarded evaluation.

      As for job and salary, your best choice is still CS. Mathmatics and Physics usually ends up taking a CS job. Accounting is also very good, though in Canada passing those professional exams aren't as easy as in the U.S. However, for long term growth, I think Accounting is a better option for entrance into management level.

      Waterloo used to have the highest job placement and graduate salary because of its Co-op program.

      You will find a lot of Chinese students in every practical studies, so don't bother with this.

      The admosphere are very different between the schools. UT is a big town prestigous school, with the best facilities and delightful student life, there is a good alumni network to grow your son's career on. UWat is a small town small school, the most fun is probably getting drunk in university village and going to strip bars. UWat's alumni network tends to be a concentration of geeks, no matter they are CEOs or an entry programmer.

      • 家园 谈的真是详细啊,多谢了


    • 家园 没法给出意见



      • 家园 你只是没有海外学习经验吧?


    • 家园 说一句理想主义的话


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