
主题:【原创】说几句美国的失业和经济 -- XIXIHE

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  • 家园 【原创】说几句美国的失业和经济


    首先大规模的失业不可避免导致社会整体消费能力的下降。这个规模有多大,我们可以做一个简单的估计,从房地产泡沫破灭以至于金融危机,假设失业总人数在500万的水平,以平均收入5万/人计算(其中15-20%左右的收入通过税收回到政府手里),这部分人导致社会的整体消费能力下降了2000亿左右,当然实际可能只下降了1200-1500亿 (约占GDP的1%),因为失业救济金可以基本上可以达到2万/人。所以当前,还不会出现大萧条的问题。但如果经济危机继续,失业者在超过8个月内不能找到新的工作就失去救济金,问题会变得十分尖锐,这就是当前新上台的政府为什么积极推进政府支出扩大就业的原因。


    • 家园 Compensation is a very small

      portion of GDP. The fear is: unemployment -> slow spending -> lower corporate revenue and reduced cash flow to pay off debt -> (massive) corporate bankruptcy -> big problems.

      • 家园 slow corporate spending

        is a big problem. So the government spending is important. In the past administration, the "new" spending limited in national security, which doesn't directly benefit the broad economy.

        If the new government spending can provide 0.5-1 trillion of cash every year to the system as currently planned, it will create 1-2 trillion GDP, which might help. The key is the money must be spent as soon as possible.

        The inflation is not a serious concern, the problem is not whether US government print too much paper. The problem is US still has R&D and big consumer market, the inflated US dollar will bring big advantage to the US products, most of other countries simply won't like this to happen.

      • 家园 美元可以不崩溃,美国可以没有大通胀


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