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  • 家园 鲍威尔辞职了!


    Secretary of State Powell Resigns

    Mon Nov 15, 2004 09:53 AM ET

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Secretary of State Colin Powell has resigned and the

    White House is expected to make the announcement on Monday, U.S. officials


    "The Secretary announced to his staff this morning that he had submitted

    his resignation on Friday. He said he was staying on until a successor is

    confirmed and on board," a State Department official, who asked not to be

    named, said.

    An administration official also said Powell had said he would stay on "until

    such a time as a replacement is named."

    Powell, becomes the latest high-level member of President Bush's cabinet

    to announce plans to leave following the election.

    Powell was often seen representing more moderate views on foreign policy

    in the Bush administration.

    • 家园 他身边的人早就说过鲍只做一任



    • 家园 唔.鲍卿文武兼资,公忠体国,朕一直是很嘉许的.........


    • 家园 比白人还白的RICE将继任。

      Powell Quits, Rice to Be New Secretary of State

      Mon Nov 15, 2004 08:00 PM ET

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      Sect. Of State Powell Resigns

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      By Saul Hudson and Arshad Mohammed

      WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Secretary of State Colin Powell, widely respected in a world often wary of America's superpower diplomacy, resigned on Monday and national security adviser Condoleezza Rice was set to replace him.

      Powell, viewed as a moderate in the right-wing Republican administration, is the top official to quit since President Bush's re-election, and was one of four Cabinet resignations announced by the White House on Monday.

      Rice, one of Bush's closest confidants who has generally sided with hard-liners in the administration, will be nominated to replace him and the announcement could come as early as Tuesday, senior administration officials said.

      Bush also planned to name Rice's deputy, Stephen Hadley, to take her job, they said.

      Rice, national security adviser since Bush took office in January 2001, has spent more time with the president than any other of his top aides except White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card. She was at his side at all times in the run-up to the Iraq war.

      The change at the head of U.S. diplomacy comes as Washington makes a new push for Middle East peace following last week's death of Palestinian President Yasser Arafat.

      Powell, who is expected to stay on the job until mid-January, will make a trip to the region this month to possibly meet Palestinian leaders.

      Rice met Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qurie in Berlin in May in what was the highest-level U.S. contact with Qurie at the time.

      Rice's training was in Russian affairs, but in her current job she has focused on all the world's hot spots.


      As praise poured in from around the world for Powell, a retired four-star general who was the first black to be chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and secretary of state, he said he always planned to serve for just one term.

      "Colin Powell is one of the great public servants of our time. He is a soldier, a diplomat, a civic leader, a statesman, and a great patriot," Bush said in a statement. "I value his friendship. He will be missed."

      In a typical transition for a new presidential term, the White House also announced the resignations of Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham, Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman and Education Secretary Rod Paige. Last week, Attorney General John Ashcroft and Commerce Secretary Donald Evans quit.

      Powell was the most popular Cabinet member among Americans and resisted calls in the mid-1990s to run for president.

      But last year, he tainted his reputation when at a presentation at the United Nations he used flawed evidence over weapons of mass destruction to make Bush's case for a pre-emptive invasion of Iraq.

      Although the United States had sharp differences with the United Nations, particularly over Iraq, Secretary-General Kofi Annan had a close relationship with Powell and said on Monday he valued the secretary's wise counsel and objective approach.

      Powell failed as the top U.S. diplomat to build a large international coalition for the war that sparked anti-American anger around the world and strained traditionally strong alliances, notably in Europe.

      A veteran of Washington's bureaucratic warfare, Powell had a silken touch with foreign leaders, U.S. lawmakers and the media. But he found himself on the losing side of a number of Bush administration battles -- notably the decision to go to war with Iraq without the U.N. Security Council's blessing.

      It was not clear if Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld would keep his job, Republican sources said. One of Powell's main bureaucratic rivals who is believed to want to stay on, Rumsfeld told reporters during a trip in Ecuador he had not discussed his future with Bush.


      Powell's resignation also came against the backdrop of U.S. efforts to defeat an insurgency in Iraq before planned January elections and to stop Iran and North Korea developing suspected nuclear weapons programs.

      Powell's willingness to negotiate with North Korea and to acquiesce in European talks with Iran has met resistance from administration hard-liners.

      Powell's close friend, Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage, is expected to leave with him.

      Other senior State Department officials, such as planning director Mitchel Reiss and Assistant Secretary of State James Kelly, Powell's point man in negotiations with North Korea, were also expected to leave, sources said.

      The departure of the moderates could deepen the right-wing influence on the president.

      But British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw said Powell's departure may not herald harsher U.S. foreign policy stances. "Everything that Secretary Powell has done, he has done with the full authority of the president," he said. (Additional reporting by Carol Giacomo, Steve Holland and Adam Entous)

      © Reuters 2004. All Rights Reserved.

      • 家园 我有个比较朴素、有点歧视女性的观点

        但凡一个弱势民族、接近更年期而没有老公孩子的“女强人”掌权,都不是好事。此女爬到这个位子,恐怕仰赖affirmative action政策不少,即使真的全靠真本领,也肯定有人认为她靠政策优惠,隐性歧视中上升,积聚的怨气不会少,凡事容易有个出口气的动机。加上家庭生活空白,年纪到了,难免时常意气用事。外评她是一个“很有性格”的女人,就是这个道理。

        • 家园 不是歧视,莱斯的确能力平平


          • 家园 觉得还要看搭配谁去五角大楼




        • 家园 莱斯有是单身母亲吧?有孩子好象.
        • 家园 于我心有戚戚焉





          • 家园 咱中国外交部说了,轻车熟路!


            • 家园 不行的





              • 家园 再过这四年,会有更多人明白单边主义削弱了多少美国国力。
      • 家园 confirmed nomination

        Bush picks Rice to succeed Powell

        Tuesday, November 16, 2004 Posted: 1:34 PM EST (1834 GMT)

        President Bush announced Tuesday that he had chosen Condoleezza Rice as next secretary of state.

        WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Bush on Tuesday nominated Condoleezza Rice, his confidante and national security adviser, as secretary of state.

        She will succeed Colin Powell, who announced his resignation Monday.

        "During the last four years I have relied on her counsel, benefited from her great experience and appreciated her sound and steady judgment," Bush said in a ceremony in the White House Roosevelt Room.

        Bush said that he was honored that she agreed to take the post.

        "The secretary of state is America's face to the world, and in Dr. Rice the world will see the strength, the grace and the decency of our country," he said.

        Bush said that Rice's deputy, Steve Hadley, would succeed her as national security adviser.

        Rice said it had been a privilege to work for Bush during his first term.

        "I look forward, with the consent of the Senate, to pursuing your hopeful and ambitious agenda as secretary of state," she said.

        She also praised Powell.

        "It is humbling to imagine succeeding my dear friend and mentor Colin Powell. He is one of the finest public servants our nation has ever produced," she said. "Colin Powell has been a great and inspirational secretary of state. It was my honor to serve alongside him, and he will be missed."

        If confirmed, Rice, who turned 50 on Sunday, would be the first black woman, and only the second woman ever, chosen as the nation's top diplomat. (Rice nomination would make history)

        A modern-day renaissance woman who traded the stately halls of Stanford University for the political swirl of Washington, Rice became one of Bush's most trusted wartime advisers. (Hopes, fears for Rice appointment)

        The secretary of state is fourth in line to succeed the president.

        In the continuing shake-up, Powell's longtime friend, Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage, submitted his letter of resignation Monday, his office told CNN Tuesday.

        Rice's nomination is among a host of personnel changes in the Bush administration.

        Powell is the most prominent of four Cabinet officials whose resignations were announced Monday by the White House.

        "Now that the election is over," Powell's letter to the president reads, "the time has come for me to step down as secretary of state and return to private life. I, therefore, resign as the 65th secretary of state, effective at your pleasure."

        The other resignations announced Monday were Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman, Education Secretary Rod Paige and Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham.

        On Tuesday, two senior administration officials told CNN that Homeland Security Department Secretary Tom Ridge also will leave his Cabinet post, but the White House would not confirm the report.

        Brian Roehrkasse, a spokesman for the department, said the report was "news to us."

        Roehrkasse said Ridge has not made any decisions about his future and at this time there have not been any discussions with the White House.

        Powell told reporters Monday that he "will always treasure the four years that I have spent with President Bush and with the wonderful men and women of the Department of State."

        "I think we've accomplished a great deal."

        Powell, after announcing his resignation, was praised Monday as a "great statesman" and a "voice of moderation." (Powell praised)

        One of Powell's best-known moments as secretary of state was his speech last year to the U.N. Security Council in which he made a case for invading Iraq.

        He said that Saddam Hussein was still developing weapons of mass destruction despite years of U.N. disarmament demands. Those claims about Iraq weaponry were never borne out.

      • 家园 又是好事一桩




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