
主题:【整理】新一战史 -- 普罗丁

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                                            • 家园 【整理】新一战史(23)剩余价值解密














                                                我使用搜索大法,找到了《资本论》正文中马克思提到的前5次 surplus value:


                                                1. This increment or excess over the original value I call "surplus-value".The value originally advanced, therefore, not only remains intact while in circulation, but adds to itself a surplus-value or expands itself. It is this movement that converts it into capital.



                                                2. Momentarily, indeed, the value originally advanced, the £100 is distinguishable from the surplus-value of £10 that is annexed to it during circulation; but the distinction vanishes immediately. (还是说物品原价值和附加值的关系,“区别消失”?不知所云。)


                                                3. At the end of the process, we do not receive with one hand the original £100, and with the other, the surplus-value of £10. We simply get a value of £110, which is in exactly the same condition and fitness for commencing the expanding process, as the original £100 was. (扩大再生产,没什么神秘的)


                                                4. In truth, however, value is here the active factor in a process, in which, while constantly assuming the form in turn of money and commodities, it at the same time changes in magnitude, differentiates itself by throwing off surplus-value from itself; the original value, in other words, expands spontaneously.(还是那件事,马克思要说多少遍呢?)


                                                5. Nay, more: instead of simply representing the relations of commodities, it enters now, so to say, into private relations with itself. It differentiates itself as original value from itself as surplus-value; as the father differentiates himself from himself qua the son, yet both are one and of one age: for only by the surplus-value of £10 does the £100 originally advanced become capital, and so soon as this takes place, so soon as the son, and by the son, the father, is begotten, so soon does their difference vanish, and they again become one, £110. (这个有趣了,一会“父”,一会“子”,一会“受生”,马克思讲起了神学。也就是说,无论资本的产生还是剩余价值的产生,都是一种非常复杂而神秘的过程,但是它的特点却和基督教神学中的父子产生的关系相反----后者是由一到多,而资本的产生却是由一到多再回到一。)





                                              • 家园 【整理】新一战史(24)货币的本质



                                                  · 因此,如果两种不同的商品,例如金和银,同时充当价值尺度,一切商品就会有两种不同的价格表现,即金价格和银价格;只要金和银的价值比例不变,例如总是1:15,那末这两种价格就可以安然并存。但是,这种价值比例的任何变动,都会扰乱商品的金价格和银价格之间的比例,这就在事实上证明,价值尺度的二重化是同价值尺度的职能相矛盾的。


                                                  · 要使金充当价格标准,必须把一定重量的金固定为计量单位。在这里,正如在其他一切同名量的尺度规定中一样,尺度比例的固定性有决定的意义。因此, 充当计量单位的那个金量越是不变,价格标准就越是能更好地执行自己的职能。


                                                  · 商品价格,只有在货币价值不变、商品价值提高时,或在商品价值不变、货币价值降低时,才会普遍提高。


                                                  · 由于各种原因,金属重量的货币名称同它原来的重量名称逐渐分离。其中在历史上有决定意义的是下列原因: 1.外国货币流入较不发达的民族,例如在古罗马,银币和金币最初是作为外国商品流通的。 这些外国货币的名称与本地的重量名称是不同的。2.随着财富的增长,不大贵重的金属逐渐为比较贵重的金属所排挤,失去价值尺度的职能。铜为银所排挤,银为金所排挤,尽管这个顺序是同诗人想象的年代顺序相抵触的。 例如,镑原来是真正一磅重的银的货币名称。 当金排挤作为价值尺度的银时,这个名称依照金和银的价值比例,可能用来称呼1磅的金等等。现在,作为货币名称的镑就和作为金的通常重量名称的磅分开了。3.几百年来君主不断伪造货币,使铸币原来的重量实际上只剩下一个名称。







                                                  · 这些历史过程使金属重量的货币名称同它的通常重量名称的分离成为民族的习惯。货币标准一方面纯粹是约定俗成的,另一方面必须是普遍通用的。因此,最后就由法律来规定了。一定重量的贵金属,如一盎斯金,由官方分成若干等分,取得法定的教名,如镑、塔勒等等。这种等分成为真正的货币计量单位后,又分为新的等分,并具有法定的教名,如先令、便士等等。一定的金属重量仍旧是金属货币的标准。改变的只是分法和名称。




                                                  These historical causes convert the separation of the money-name from the weight-name into an established habit with the community. Since the standard of money is on the one hand purely conventional, and must on the other hand find general acceptance, it is in the end regulated by law. A given weight of one of the precious metals, an ounce of gold, for instance, becomes officially divided into aliquot parts, with legally bestowed names, such as pound, dollar, &c. These aliquot parts, which thenceforth serve as units of money, are then subdivided into other aliquot parts with legal names, such as shilling, penny, &c. But, both before and after these divisions are made, a definite weight of metal is the standard of metallic money. The sole alteration consists in the subdivision and denomination.


                                                  (这段话包含了诸多容易引起争议的关键概念,包括恩格斯自己都曾经抱怨过的诸如 the standard of money 之类的概念,所以强烈建议以英文为解读标准)



                                                • 家园 【整理】新一战史(25)国家阴谋

















                                                    · 物的名称对于物的本性来说完全是外在的。即使我知道一个人的名字叫雅各,我对他还是一点不了解。同样,在镑、塔勒、法郎、杜卡特等货币名称上,价值关系的任何痕迹都消失了。由于货币名称既表示商品价值,同时又表示某一金属重量即货币标准的等分,对这些神秘记号的秘密含意的了解就更加混乱了。


                                                    · 价格形式不仅可能引起价值量和价格之间即价值量和它的货币表现之间的量的不一致,而且能够包藏一个质的矛盾,以致货币虽然只是商品的价值形式, 但价格可以完全不是价值的表现。有些东西本身并不是商品,例如良心、名誉等等,但是也可以被它的所有者出卖以换取金钱,并通过它们的价格,取得商品形式。因此,没有价值的东西在形式上可以具有价格。




                                                    · 要规定商品的价格,只需要使想象的金同商品相等。但商品必须为金所代替,它才能对它的所有者起一般等价物的作用。例如,铁的所有者遇见某种享乐商品的所有者,他向后者说铁的价格已经是货币形式了,后者就会象圣彼得在天堂听了但丁讲述信仰要义之后那样回答说:








                                                    · 1盎斯金和1吨铁的价值同样都可表现为3镑17先令1012便士,因此,金的这种计算名称被叫做金的造币局价格。于是产生了一种奇怪的想法,以为金(或银)用它自身的材料来估价,而且和一切其他商品不同,它从国家取得固定的价格。确定一定重量的金的计算名称被误认为确定这个重量的价值。”


                                                    · 关于提高或降低“造币局价格”的各种幻想,无非是要国家使法定的货币名称不代表法定的金量或银量,而代表较多或较少的金量或银量,由此,如14盎斯的金将来不是铸成20先令,而是铸成40先令。如果这种种幻想所抱的目的,不是为了采取一些拙劣的财政措施来对付公私债权人,而是为了寻求经济上的“奇迹疗法”,那末配第在《货币略论。致哈里法克斯侯爵》中,就已经对这些幻想作了极为详尽的论述,而他的直接继承人达德利·诺思爵士和约翰·洛克只能把他的思想庸俗化,更不用说以后的人了。配第说: “如果一道法令就能使国家的财富增加十倍,这就很奇怪,为什么我们的政府不早颁布这样的法令呢!”






                                                  • 家园 【整理】新一战史(26)世界货币







                                                      · 在商品生产达到一定水平和规模时,货币作为支付手段的职能就会越出商品流通领域。 货币变成契约上的一般商品。地租、赋税等等由实物交纳转化为货币支付。这种转化在多大程度上取决于生产过程的总的状态,可以由例如罗马帝国两次企图用货币征收一切赋税都告失败来证明。路易十四统治下的法国农民极端贫困,这种受到布阿吉尔贝尔、沃邦元帅等人如此有力地斥责的现象,不仅是由重税引起的,而且是由实物税改为货币税造成的。另一方面,在亚洲,地租的实物形式(它同时又是国税的主要因素)是建立在象自然关系那样一成不变地再生产出来的生产关系的基础上的,这种支付形式反过来又维护着这种古老的生产形式。这种支付形式是土耳其帝国自身得以维持的秘密之一。如果欧洲强加于日本的对外贸易使日本把实物地租改为货币地租,日本的模范的农业就会崩溃。这种农业的狭隘的经济存在条件也就会消失。






                                                      · 在每个国家,都规定一定的总的支付期限。撇开再生产的其他周期不说,这些期限部分地是以同季节变化有关的生产的自然条件为基础的。这些期限还调节着那些不是直接由商品流通产生的支付,如赋税、地租等等。这些分散在社会上各个地方的支付在一年的某些天所需的货币量,会在节省支付手段方面引起周期性的但完全是表面的混乱。…… 由于充当支付手段的货币的发展,就必须积累货币,以便到期偿还债务。随着资产阶级社会的发展,作为独立的致富形式的货币贮藏消失了,而作为支付手段准备金的形式的货币贮藏却增长了。




                                                      · 克雷格先生在1 826年的议会调查委员会上说:“1824年圣灵降临节,在爱丁堡,需要如此大量的钞票,以致到11点钟,我们手里连一张钞票也没有了,我们到一家一家银行去商借,但是都没有借到,许多交易都只好凭纸条付款。但是到了下午3点钟,所有的钞票都回到了那些发行钞票的银行。这些钞票只不过转转手而已。在苏格兰,虽然钞票的实际平均流通量还不到300万镑,但是到了一年的各个支付期限,银行家手里所有的钞票(共约700万镑)都要动用。在这种情况下,钞票只是履行一种单一的特殊的职能,这个职能一经完成,它们立刻又各自回到那些发行钞票的银行。为了便于了解,这里附带说一下,在富拉顿写这本书的时候,在苏格兰支付存款,不是用支票,而是用钞票。








                                                      · 货币一越出国内流通领域,便失去了在这一领域内获得的价格标准、铸币、辅币和价值符号等地方形式,又恢复原来的贵金属块的形式。在世界贸易中,商品普遍地展开自己的价值。因此,在这里,商品独立的价值形态,也是作为世界货币与商品相对立。只有在世界市场上,货币才充分地作为这样一种商品起作用,这种商品的自然形式同时就是抽象人类劳动的直接的社会实现形式。货币的存在方式与货币的概念相适合了。

                                                    • 家园 【整理】新一战史(27)地方保护主义




                                                        · 从前,金几乎完全是从淘洗含金的冲积层即含金岩石的风化物中获得的。现在,这种方法已经不够了,让位于开采含金石英矿脉的方法,后一种方法虽然古人早已知道,但过去一直居于第二位。另一方面,不仅美国落基山脉的西部发现了新的大银矿,而且还铺设铁路来开发这个银矿和墨西哥银矿,这就有可能运去新式机器和燃料,使银的开采规模空前扩大,开采费用大大降低。但是,这两种金属在矿脉中的存在方式是大不相同的。金大都是天然的,但是它混杂在石英中,数量极少,因此必须把整批矿石粉碎,而后淘金,或用水银提取金。从100万克石英中,往往只能采到1-3克金,难得采到30-60克金。银很少天然是纯的,但它存在于比较容易从矿脉中开采的特殊的矿石中,这些矿石通常含银40-90%;或者它也少量地混在某些本身值得开采的矿石如铜、铅等等中。从这里已经可以看出,采金所耗费的劳动增多了,而采银所耗费的劳动却大大减少了,所以银的价值降低是不言而喻的。假如现在不是用人为的办法把银的价格维持在一定的水平上,那末银的价值降低一定会表现为价格的更大的跌落。目前美洲银矿还只开采了很少一部分,因此完全可以预料,银的价值在长时期内还会继续降低。此外,用于制造日用品和奢侈品的银相对地减少,银制品为镀银品和铝制品等等所代替,这也必然会促使银的价值降低。因此可以断定,复本位主义想靠强制的国际行市来把银的价值比例提高到从前的1:15.5是一种空想。银在世界市场上将越来越失去它的货币属性。(恩格斯)




                                                        · 世界货币执行一般支付手段的职能、 一般购买手段的职能和一般财富的绝对社会化身的职能。它的最主要的职能,是作为支付手段平衡国际贸易差额。由此产生重商主义体系的口号——贸易差额!




                                                        · 它们充当财富的绝对社会化身是在这样的场合:不是要买或是要支付,而是要把财富从一个国家转移到另一个国家,同时,商品市场的行情或者要达到的目的本身,不容许这种转移以商品形式实现。




                                                        · 资产阶级生产发达的国家把大量集中在银行准备库内的贮藏货币,限制在它执行各种特殊职能所必需的最低限度以内。除了某些例外,如果准备库内的货币贮藏大大超过平均水平,那就表明商品流通停滞了,或者商品形态变化的流动中断了。……“如果我们铸币过多,那怎么办呢?我们可以把最重的铸币熔化,加工成上等餐具,金银器皿;或者把它们作为商品输往需要或想要它们的地方;或者可以把它们拿到利率高的地方去生息。”








                                                        (to be continued)

                                                      • 家园 【整理】新一战史(28)亚细亚模式与宗教









                                                          · The religious world is but the reflex of the real world. And for a society based upon the production of commodities, in which the producers in general enter into social relations with one another by treating their products as commodities and values, whereby they reduce their individual private labour to the standard of homogeneous human labour - for such a society, Christianity with its cultus of abstract man, more especially in its bourgeois developments, Protestantism, Deism, &c., is the most fitting form of religion.


                                                          不无巧合的是,接下来马克思立刻讨论了“Asiatic form”的问题,可见这段话对于我们理解马克思如何看待宗教对于亚洲模式的影响,有着重大的意义。能否比较准确地翻译它呢? 宗教世界不过是真实世界的反射。对于一个基于商品生产的社会(生产者在此通过对待产品如同商品和价值而相互关联,同时把个人劳动简化到同质的人类劳动的标准),拥有对人之抽象化信仰的基督教是最能够适应的宗教,尤其是它逐渐发展而成的中产阶级模式中,比如新教、一神信仰等。


                                                          结合上边我们已经讨论过的那句话(附在下边),可见马克思显然认为亚细亚世界的宗教图景(religious world)尚不适应商品经济的发展,只有在人的思想和关系达到相当智慧和理性的程度时,这种宗教图景才可能消失。换言之,他认为整个亚细亚世界及其人民都仍然笼罩在某种自然神崇拜的迷雾之中。这能够解释他对于亚洲的全部“偏见”吗?


                                                          [1. In the ancient Asiatic and other ancient modes of production, we find that the conversion of products into commodities, and therefore the conversion of men into producers of commodities, holds a subordinate place, which, however, increases in importance as the primitive communities approach nearer and nearer to their dissolution.]

                                                          (to be continued)

                                                        • 家园 【整理】新一战史(29)东方世俗主义

                                                          2. This narrowness is reflected in the ancient worship of Nature, and in the other elements of the popular religions. The religious reflex of the real world can, in any case, only then finally vanish, when the practical relations of every-day life offer to man none but perfectly intelligible and reasonable relations with regard to his fellowmen and to Nature.(大同小异)

                                                          3. Political Economy has indeed analysed, however incompletely, value and its magnitude, and has discovered what lies beneath these forms. But it has never once asked the question why labour is represented by the value of its product and labour-time by the magnitude of that value. These formulae, which bear it stamped upon them in unmistakable letters that they belong to a state of society, in which the process of production has the mastery over man, instead of being controlled by him, such formulae appear to the bourgeois intellect to be as much a self-evident necessity imposed by Nature as productive labour itself. Hence forms of social production that preceded the bourgeois form, are treated by the bourgeoisie in much the same way as the Fathers of the Church treated pre-Christian religions.(表面上看,这一段和宗教没有直接的关系。但是深入解读就会发现,马克思在这里把经济的发展和宗教的发展视为同时进行的过程,甚至是一种动态的两面。古代的“基督教教父”们如何对待原始宗教,则新生的资产阶级也必将如何对待原始的那种生产模式。在这个方面,政治经济学不打算追问“为什么”,因为它很可能就是代表具有先进性的资产阶级的立场的!)

                                                          4. In the Danubian Principalities the corvée was mixed up with rents in kind and other appurtenances of bondage, but it formed the most important tribute paid to the ruling class. Where this was the case, the corvée rarely arose from serfdom; serfdom much more frequently on the other hand took origin from the corvée. This is what took place in the Roumanian provinces. Their original mode of production was based on community of the soil, but not in the Slavonic or Indian form. Part of the land was cultivated in severally as freehold by the members of the community, another part — ager publicus — was cultivated by them in common. The products of this common labour served partly as a reserve fund against bad harvests and other accidents, partly as a public store for providing the costs of war, religion,and other common expenses.(这里的“宗教”似乎不是信仰,而是需要支付一定费用的宗教仪式。但是,宗教仪式同样和信仰密切相关。而且,在类似于中国的“公田”中耕种和生产物品,以提供不时之需,这恰恰反映了一种生产组织模式和相关的公共信仰模式。在这里,马克思把罗马尼亚、斯洛伐克和印度三地的农业经营进行了类比,虽然没有提供直接的详细的考察报告,但是显然暗示三者的乡村组织模式(中欧与印度)具有相似的特征。而且这种相似的特征与他们的宗教活动受到乡村势力和经济地位的支配有直接关系。)

                                                          5. That for master bakers to induce their workmen, by the fear of losing employment, to violate their religious convictions and their better feelings, to disobey the laws of the land, and to disregard public opinion (this all refers to Sunday labour), is calculated to provoke ill-feeling between workmen and masters, ... and affords an example dangerous to religion, morality, and social order.... The Committee believe that any constant work beyond 12 hours a-day encroaches on the domestic and private life of the working-man, and so leads to disastrous moral results, interfering with each man's home, and the discharge of his family duties as a son, a brother, a husband, a father.(这一段就算不是直接描述犹太人,也是在分析犹太传统下的工作特征。中欧地区的此类工人在老板和经济的双重压力下往往背离宗教原则,马克思肯定地说,这是非常危险的现象。这既可能导致我们在俾斯麦和威廉那里看到的罢工纠纷,也可能导致利奥13世所观察和忧虑的家庭关系的崩解。)

                                                          6. Soon after this the June insurrection in Paris and its bloody suppression united, in England as on the Continent, all fractions of the ruling classes, landlords and capitalists, stock-exchange wolves and shop-keepers, Protectionists and Freetraders, government and opposition, priests and free thinkers, young whores and old nuns, under the common cry for the salvation of Property, Religion, the Family and Society.(在暴动和血腥斗争中,“上层”尤其是资产阶级联合起来,变成一股反对穷人的力量。宗教是他们的口号之一,家庭是另一个口号。)

                                                          7. It is a strange proof of the general neglect of the morals and health of the children of the working-class, that this report lay unnoticed for 20 years, during which the children, 'bred up without the remotest sign of comprehension as to what is meant by the term morals, who had neither knowledge, nor religion, nor natural affection,' were allowed to become the parents of the present generation.(失去教育的工人阶级,他们已经培养出自己的不在乎道德的子女。希特勒有过非常类似的观察。)

                                                          8. Technology discloses man's mode of dealing with Nature, the process of production by which he sustains his life, and thereby also lays bare the mode of formation of his social relations, and of the mental conceptions that flow from them. Every history of religion, even that fails to take account of this material basis, is uncritical. It is, in reality, much easier to discover by analysis the earthly core of the misty creations of religion, than, conversely, it is, to develop from the actual relations of life the corresponding celestialised forms of those relations.(“冰冷的新技术”使工人们更加清楚了自己的处境和人生位置。他们不再容易相信宗教教科书的道理,而倾向于认定那些标准不过是世俗价值的反映。)






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                                  • 家园 【整理】新一战史(17)


                                    1)马克思试图通过 jiazhi 概念的引入,改变哪一种社会关系?改变哪里的劳动状态?



                                    我意识到,这几个问题都与“地域”有密切的关系,换言之,我预先判断马克思对于不同地域的态度是不同的。在他的心中,应当有某些“理想地域”,和另一些作为反面典型的,亟待被改变的地域。所以我选择的第一个关键词是 Germany,如果由此搜索的结果同时也能包含其他地域,比如英国,比如东亚和中国,比如非洲和美洲,那么就会加速我的研究的开展。


                                    1.P163: Nevertheless, the baking trade is always overwhelmed with applicants. The sources of the supply of these labour-powers to London are Scotland,the western agricultural districts ofEngland, and Germany. (简译:德国提供烤面包师)

                                    2.P169: For slave-trade read labour-market, for Kentucky and Virginia, Ireland and the agricultural districts of England, Scotland, andWales, for Africa, Germany. We heard how over-work thinned the ranks of the bakers in London (意思不明)

                                    3.P250: In Germany, they tried at first to make one spinnerwork two spinning-wheels, that is, to work simultaneously with both hands and both feet. This was too difficult.(德国的工人很累)

                                    4.P255:Hence the invention now-a-days of machines in England that are employed only in North America; just as in the sixteenthand seventeenth centuries, machines were invented in Germany to be used only in Holland, and just as many a French invention of the eighteenthcentury was exploited in England alone.(德国发明的机器曾用于荷兰)

                                    5.P264:In the 17th century nearly all Europe experienced revolts of the workpeople against the ribbon-loom, a machine for weaving ribbons andtrimmings, called in Germany Bandmühle, Schnurmühle, and Mühlenstuhl. These machines were invented in Germany.……By an imperial Edict of19th Feb., 1685, its use was forbidden throughout all Germany. In Hamburg it was burnt in public by order of the Senate(德国曾发明几种织布机,后来被立法禁止了)

                                    6.P274:It is well known that Great Britain, apart from its own immense store of rags, is the emporium for the rag trade of the whole world. They flowin from Japan, from the most remote States of SouthAmerica, and from the Canary Islands. But the chief sources of their supply are Germany, France, Russia, Italy, Egypt,Turkey, Belgium, andHolland.(德法等大国向英国提供碎布)

                                    7.P275: This progress in the rate of consumption ought to suffice for the most optimist of progressists, and for the biggest hawker of lies among theFree-trade bagmen of Germany. (意思不确定,似乎和“德国皮包公司”有关)

                                    8.P520: I must admit that I do not write these lines without a certain mortification. I will not make so much of thefact that the anti-capitalist literature of England of the twenties and thirties is so totally unknown in Germany, in spite of Marx's direct references to it even in his Poverty of Philosophy, and his repeatedquotations from it, as for instance thepamphlet of 1821, Ravenstone, Hodgskin, etc., in Volume I ofCapital. (这句显然不是来自马克思本人,但其中提到英国的反资本主义作品一度在德国缺乏影响)

                                    9.P674: On the other hand, working time data are as follows: "The number of working-days in the various regions of Germany, with due regard to the climatic and other determining conditions, will for the three main working periods presumably be: For the spring period, from the middle of March or beginning of April to the middle of May, about 50 to 60 working-days; for the summer period, from the beginning of June to the end of August, 65 to 80; and for the autumn period, from the beginning ofSeptember to the end of October, or the middle or end of November, 55to 75 working-days. (德国工人在春季只需要工作50-60天,在夏季为65-80天,秋季为55-75天)

                                    10.P836: During the same period,the annual production of silver amounted to somewhat less than 2 million kilograms,valued at 354 1 /2million marks. Of this amount, Mexico supplied roundly 108, theUnited States 102, South America 67,Germany 26 million, etc. (德国提供了世界银产品的一小部分)

                                    11.P1190: Just as in the case of a different development of the credit system, the same variable capital, for example, or the same quantity of wages, requires a greater mass of means of circulation in one country than in another; in England more than in Scotland, for instance,and in Germany more than in England.(德国[可能]比英国需要更多的工资资本流通手段)

                                    12.P1218: It is characteristic of the English economic writers -- and the economic literature worth mentioning since 1830 resolves itself mainly into a literature on currency, credit,and crises -- that they look upon theexport of precious metals in times of crisis, in spite of the turn in the rates of exchange, only from the standpoint of England, as a purely national phenomenon, and resolutely close their eyes to the fact that all other European banks raise their rate of interest when their bank raises its own in times of crisis, and that,when the cry of distress over the drain of gold is raised in their country today, it is taken up inAmerica tomorrow and in Germany and France the day after. (美、德、法等国的金融市场均受到英国的强烈影响)

                                    13.P1247: "We are drawn upon from America always at 60 days, and from other parts at90 days. On the other hand we give credit; if we sendgoods to Germany, we give two or three months." (意思不明,可能与各国的信用度有关。但不是马克思本人的观点。)

                                    14.P1274: IfEngland has more payments to make to Germany than Germany to England, the price of marks, expressed in sterling, rises in London, and the price of sterling, expressed in marks, falls in Hamburg and Berlin. If this preponderance of England's payment obligations towards Germany is not balanced again, for instance, by a preponderance of purchases by Germany in England, the sterling price of bills of exchange in marks on Germany must rise to the point where it will pay to send metal (gold coin orbullion) from England to Germany in payment of obligations, instead of sending bills of exchange.(德国和英国之间,谁出口多,谁的货币就升值。[是这样吗?不确定])

                                    15.P1487: The little that such a family had to obtain by barter or buy from outside, even up to the beginning of the 19th century in Germany, consisted principally of the objects of handicraft production -- that is, such things the nature of whose manufacture was by no means unknown to the peasant, and which he did not produce himself only because he lacked the raw material or because the purchased article was much better or very muchcheaper. Hence, the peasant of the Middle Ages knew fairly accurately thelabor-time.(这段是恩格斯写的,其中提到德国人长期需要进口手工艺品)

                                    16.P1492: The next step in the subjugation of industry by capital takes place through the introduction ofmanufacture. This, too, enable the manufacturer, who is most often his own export trader in the 17th and 18th centuries -- generally in Germany down to 1850,and still today here and there -- to produce cheaper than his old-fashioned competitor,the handicraftsman. (德国在19世纪出现了很多大生产商)

                                    17.P1493: There were still only few directly productive establishments in stock company form -- and, like the banks, most of all in the poorercountries:Germany, Austria, America, etc.(一些较穷的国家,如德、奥、美有不少“生产性证券公司”)

                                    18.P1494: And third, in order to facilitate the investment of this mass floating around as money-capital, new legal forms of limited liability companies were established wherever that had not yet been done, and the liability of the shareholder, formerly unlimited, was also reduced± [moreor less] (joint-stock companies in Germany, 1890. Subscription 40 per cent!).…… The enormously expanded banks, especiallyin Germany under allsorts of bureaucratic names, more and more the holders ofmortgages; with their shares the actual higherownership of landed property istransferred to the stock exchange, and this is even more true when thefarms fall intothe creditors’ hands. (有限责任公司的发展。德国在1890年出现了合资公司,订购率[?]高达40%)

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