
主题:【摘录】innovation with empathy -- 不悱不发

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  • 家园 【摘录】innovation with empathy


    与"stay hungry, stay foolish"的个人魅力相比,夫妇两人的联合致词显得像...传说中的爱因斯坦的小板凳,很plain,还带着努力的痕迹。然而俺居然被世界首富的慈善秀所收买,觉得他们提出的“创新才智唯市场是瞻而无视分化和不公,还是亦受同情心指引”, 比亚马逊的Bezos在普林斯顿的“善良比聪明更难”,更入木三分;也比无数给高富帅名校生们锦上添花的成功学更provoking。穷则独善其身,达则兼顾天下。毕竟,善也是人之常情。


    "If we have optimism without empathy,then it doesn't matter how much we master the secret of science. We are not solving problems, we are working on puzzles." ("如果我们的乐观主义不包含同情心,那么我们掌控了多少科学秘密并没有多大意义。我们并没有在解决问题,我们只是在玩拼图。”)

    夫妇两人联手是必须的;无论什么样的话,某些人讲起来永远是干巴巴,这一点比尔同学不服不行。然而比尔同学有梅琳达,后者至简至深地诠释了何为同情心---"that could be me."

    "When I talked to the mothers I met during my travels, there's no difference between what we want for our children, the only difference is our ability to provide it to our children. So what accounts for that difference? Bill and I talked about this with our own kids around the dinner table. Bill worked incredibly hard, and he took risks and he made sacrifices for success. But there's another essential ingredient of success, and that is luck, absolute and total luck. When were you born; Who are your parents; Where did you grow up. None of us earn these things. These things were given to us. So when we strip away all our luck and our privilege and we consider where will we be without them, it becomes somewhat much easier to see someone who is poor and say that could be me. And that's empathy." (“在我和慈善访问中遇到的母亲的谈话中,我们想要给予孩子的东西是没有区别的,唯一不同的是提供那些东西的能力。那又是什么决定了我们之间这种能力的不同呢?我和比尔也同我们自己的孩子在饭桌上谈到这个问题。比尔工作得异常努力,他为了成功承担风险,做出牺牲。但是成功还有另外一个致命要素,那就是运气,彻头彻尾的运气。你生于什么样的时代,你的父母是谁,你的成长环境如何,没有任何人是靠自己的努力赢得这些的,这些都是无端赠与我们的。当所有这些幸运和特许从我们身上剥离,我们再来考虑自己会在哪里时,你会发现在看到一个可怜的人时,你会毫不费力的想到那可能就是我。这就是同情心。”)


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