
主题:【原创】读书笔记之外国人眼里的中国古诗(一) -- yizhu

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  • 家园 【原创】读书笔记之外国人眼里的中国古诗(一)

    手里有两本英文诗选,Great Short Poems 和 Love Poems, 都是美加出版的,里面居然有好几首中国古诗,读起来颇有意趣。一共有4首李白的诗,可见外国人也知道李白是中国最伟大的诗人。Love Poems 选了李白的《长干行》,虽然诗名给翻译成了 The River-Merchant’s Wife: A letter(一封河商妻子的来信),我还是一眼就认出来了。同样一眼就认出来的还有苏轼(Su T’ung-Po)的一首短诗。剩下还有李白的3首短诗,一首李商隐,一首温庭筠。除了一首李白的诗,我从手里的李白诗集里找见原诗,当年我翻遍手里的李商隐诗集,唐诗鉴赏辞典,唐宋词鉴赏辞典,都没有找见那几首诗的原作。在我心里压了好几年,简直成了文学女青年的生命中不可承受之轻。

    前几天逛书店时,又发现了一本,中国爱情诗选,Chinese Love Poetry。我拿起来翻了一下,印刷,装桢都很好,每一首诗还配了一幅中国古风的画。就是价格有点小贵,要20加元左右。一共选了39首诗,第一首是经典的‘关关雎鸠’,还看到了杜牧的‘豆蔻梢头二月初’,倒数第二首诗Chairman Mao的‘不爱红妆爱武装’。上面的诗,一读之下,并不能立刻想到原文。思前想后,还是没有买下这本书,我怕到时候找不出原诗,茶饭不思,夜不能寐。

    感谢互联网,感谢 Google,感谢百度,感谢诗词名句网(http://www.shicimingju.com),从书店回来之后,我又翻出了那两本诗集,决心把原诗找出来。有道是‘功夫不负有心人’,在作者名和各种猜测的关键词组合下,我终于找到了那几首诗的原作。忍不住要拍一拍自己的肩膀,赞一句‘做得好!’


    1. The Girl of Yueh by Li Po

    She is gathering lotus seeds in the river of Yueh.

    While singing, she sees a stranger, and turns around.

    Then she smiles and hides among the lotus leaves,

    Pretending to be overcome by shyness.







    这一首是我自己从李白诗集里翻出来的。只是不明白,李白最伟大的短诗不应该是‘床前明月光’吗?十几亿中国人都知道。李白流传最广的短诗还有‘朝辞白帝彩云间’,或‘故人西辞黄鹤楼’,‘日照香炉生紫烟’,等等等等。怎么这一首就入选Great Short Poems 呢?

    2. A Meeting by Li Po

    They met in the red dust.

    He raised his yellow-gold crop in salutation.

    ‘There are ten thousand houses among the drooping willows,

    O Lady, where are you living?’

    《相逢行》 作者: 李白


    红尘给翻译成了‘red dust’,加上黄沙‘yellow sand’,老外们大概以为,沙尘暴是自古以来中国的特产了。杨树是 Poplar,给翻译成了垂柳,可这边一般管垂柳叫 Weeping willow。再就是‘君家阿那边’的君在中国是指男士,却给翻译成了Lady,其实翻译成 Lad (少年,小伙子)应该更准确。

    3. In the Mountains on a Summer Day by Li Po

    Gently I stir a white feather fan,

    With open shirt, sitting in a green stone.

    I take off my cap and hang it on a jutting stone.

    A wind from the pine tree trickles on my bare head.

    《夏日山中》 作者: 李白


    青林(green woods)给翻译成了青石(green stone)。不过我们应该庆幸裸体给译成了open shirt (敞怀)而不是 naked。否则,老外们要以为我们的大诗人是暴露狂呢。

    4. On the Birth of His Son by Su T’ung-Po

    Families, when a child is born,

    Want it to be intelligent.

    I, through intelligence,

    Having wrecked my whole life,

    Only hope the baby will prove

    Ignorant and stupid.

    Then he will crown a tranquil life

    By becoming a Cabinet Minister.




    *** *** ***

    1) Great Short Poems from Antiquity to the Twentieth Century by Dorothy Belle Pollack(Editor)

    Publisher: Dover Publications (July 19 2011)

    Language: English

    ISBN-10: 0486478769

    ISBN-13: 978-0486478760

    2) Chinese Love Poetry by Jane Portal

    Publisher: British Museum Press (Oct. 13 2014)

    ISBN-10: 0714124826

    ISBN-13: 978-0714124827

    • 家园 看来这些翻译家都是半吊子中文啊



      • 家园 诗人才能去译诗



    • 家园 大赞!英文翻译的汉诗非常有趣


    • 家园 【原创】读书笔记之外国人眼里的中国古诗(二)

      下面这几首中国古诗出自Love Poems。

      1. Willow by Li Shang-Yin

      Awakening in spring: how many leaves!

      Rusting dawn: how many branches!

      Does she know the pangs of love?

      Never a time she wouldn’t dance.

      Pussy willows aflutter – hide white butterfly,

      Tendrils hanging limp – bare yellow oriole.

      All-conquering beauty, perfect through and through:

      Who would enjoy just the brows of her eyes?

      《柳》作者: 李商隐





      2. A Song of Chuang Ching-Yuan Picking Lotus Flowers by Wen Ting-Yun

      Essence of orchids in her tumbled hair, a goddess of spring,

      She takes the swallow hairpin from her nape, loosens coiled tresses.

      Under the willows by west gate, near the bridge at dusk,

      Moated waters past doorways, dabbled, riffled flow.

      A prince of rare talents, visitor to the imperial count,

      Shell fitting on his saddle all a-jangle, cross the spring lane.

      Dancing effortlessly on an open palm, her sheer skirt,

      Tailored shagreen dress, best the colors of spring.

      Like wafting smoke embracing the moon, waist one measure round,

      Scent of musk and dragon marrow, how lovely, gracefully is she!

      Clouds like autumn curtains brush the water – fragments of bright movement;

      Dew-laden, flowers in profusion, their fragrance unfading.

      Mandarin ducks go to and fro on the brimming pond,

      `Midst duckweeds green like tassels, and short lotus stems.

      One evening the west wind comes bring showers,

      Scaring, stripping bare the flowers, a melancholy pale red.

      Boat prows sever lotus stems, but strands unseen hold fast.

      For lotus roots, lotus seeds, preserve a mutual bond.

      His heart is like the moon, a moon not yet on the wane,

      Clear, bright and full of mid-month days.

      《相和歌辞·张静婉采莲曲》 作者: 温庭筠







      3. In The Moonlit Chamber by Wen Ting-Yun

      In the moonlit chamber, always she thinks of him.

      Soft wisps of silken willows, languor in the air of spring.

      Verdant were the grasses beyond the gate;

      At their parting, she heard the horses neigh.

      Draperies patterned of gold kingfishers;

      Within, fragrant candle melts in tears.

      Falling petals, the morning plaints of the cuckoo,

      Green-gauze windows – fragments of an illusive dream.

      菩萨蛮·玉楼明月长相忆 作者: 温庭筠



      温庭筠最著名的菩萨蛮应该是‘小山重叠金明灭,鬓云欲度香腮雪。懒起画蛾眉,弄妆梳洗迟。 照花前后镜,花面交相映。新帖绣罗襦,双双金鹧鸪。’。这首‘玉楼明月长相忆’也很精致,只是‘玉楼明月’给译成了‘Moonlit Chamber’,让我在诗集里找了半天‘月宫’,白费一番力气。

      4. The River-merchant’s Wife: A Letter by Li Po

      While my hair was still cut straight across my forehead

      I played about the front gate, pulling flowers.

      You came by on bamboo stilts, playing horse,

      You walked about my seat, playing with blue plums.

      And we went on living in the village of Chokan:

      Two small people, without dislike or suspicion.

      At fourteen I married My Lord you.

      I never laughed, being bashful.

      Lowing my head, I looked at the wall.

      Called to, a thousand times, I never looked back.

      At fifteen, I stopped scowling,

      I desire my dust to be mingled with your

      For ever and for ever and for ever.

      Why should I climb the look out?

      At sixteen you departed,

      You went into far Ku-to-yen, by the river of swirling eddies,

      And you have been gone five months.

      The monkeys make sorrowful noise overhead

      You dragged your feet when you went out.

      By the gate now, the moss is grown, the different mosse

      Too deep to clear them away!

      The leaves fall early this autumn, in wind.

      The paired butterflies are already yellow with August

      Over the grass in the West garden;

      They hurt me. I grow older.

      If you are coming down through the narrows of river Kiang,

      Please let me know beforehand,

      And I will come out to meet you

      As far as Cho-fu-Sa.







      ‘十四为君妇’翻译成‘At fourteen I married My Lord you’实在是太生硬了,非要用‘My Lord’来硬译‘君’,可见译者不通中国文化。‘常存抱柱信’给译成了‘For ever and for ever and for ever’,完全意译,典故全失。‘岂上望夫台’的‘望夫台’译成‘look out’其实不错,可是语气全错了,‘Why should I climb the look out?’意思是为什么我要上望夫台,有不情愿的感觉,译成‘Why shouldn’t I climb the look out?’ 应该更准确一些。‘感此伤妾心,坐愁红颜老。’变成了‘They hurt me. I grow older.’,韵味全无,感觉从小清新,小伤感的悠悠闺怨变成了撕心裂肺的咆哮。

      说实话,很不习惯看国外出版的各种诗集,除了专集会在前言中介绍评价一下作者外,一般的诗歌选集,既没有作者简介,又没有背景知识,更何况注释解析了,一点儿也不 Reader Friendly。简直要为这里的诗歌爱好者鸣不平了,也怨不得诺大的书店,诗集只占了不到一个书架。


      虽然没有买下Chinese Love Poetry,可是我从图书馆里借到了一本Chinese Erotic Poems,中国爱情/情色(?)诗选,听起来是不是更性感一些?我准备好好研读,看看老外们是如何理解中国的爱情/情色诗。

      *** *** ***

      1) Love Poems (Everyman's Library Pocket Poets)

      Publisher: Everyman's Library; First Edition Thus edition (November 2, 1993)

      Language: English

      ISBN-10: 0679429069

      ISBN-13: 978-0679429067

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