
主题:remote viewer and FBI psychic investigator -- simplyred

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    • 家园 没有早期的成功,CIA根本不会立项遥视计划. 见Utts的报告


      第一个是"西弗吉尼亚基地". 两个遥视者据称辨出了秘密的地下军事基地. 其中一位还准确地说出基地的人员和密码, 以至于触动了该基地的安检,调查为何会泄密的. 其实,只根据基地的坐标, 受试者是按要求描述完那里的地上景象后, 不自觉地进一步观察隐秘的地下设施的细节而获取的信息。


      第三个成功案例是精确地描述了在苏联塞米帕拉廷斯克的一个基地的巨大的起重机以及其它信息. 同样地, 这是在只被提供地理坐标的情况下, 遥视者按要求说出了那儿有些什么东西.

      摘译自: "评价超感知觉的证据" -- Jessica Utts(加大戴维斯分校统计系教授)



      另, CIA并非解密了所有遥视计划(采用过五花八门的代号--Scanate, 'Gondola Wish', 'Grill Flame', 'Star Gate')的档案, 还有1%的档案依然绝密.

      见: 维基百科关于"遥视"的解释


      关键词(Tags): #遥视#CIA
      • 家园 连结我一开始就贴过,只看Utts不看Hyman是不好地








        We concluded that:

        The experimental research conducted as part of the current program does not unambiguously support the interpretation of the results in terms of a paranormal phenomenon.

        Failure to provide evidence that independent judges arrive at similar conclusions makes it difficult to unambiguously determine whether the observed effects can be attributed to the remote viewers' (paranormal) ability, to the ability of the judge to interpret ambiguous information, or to the combination or interaction of the viewers and the judge. Furthermore, given the Principal Investigator's familiarity with the viewers, the target set, and the experimental procedures, it is possible that subtle, unintentional factors may have influenced the results obtained in these studies. Thus, until it can be shown that independent judges agree, and similar effects are obtained in studies using independent judges, it cannot be said that adequate evidence has been provided for existence of the remote viewing phenomenon.

        Our conclusion is that at this juncture it would be premature to assume that we have a convincing demonstration of a paranormal phenomenon. In fact, until a plausible causal mechanism has been identified, and competing explanations carefully investigated, we cannot interpret the set of anomalous observations localized to one laboratory with one set of methods. Given these observations, and the methodological problems noted above, we must conclude that:

        Adequate experimental and theoretical evidence for the existence of remote viewing as a parapsychological phenomenon has not been provided by the research component of current program. A significant change in focus and methods would be necessary to justify additional laboratory research within the current program.

        This is not to say definitively that paranormal phenomena do not exist. At some point in time, adequate evidence might be provided for the existence of remote viewing. With this point in mind, we considered the potential applications of remote viewing in intelligence gathering.

        The first consideration involves the conditions under which remote viewing occurs and if those conditions constrain its application for intelligence purposes. Prior research suggests that distance is not a constraint and, indeed, that a sender or "beacon" may not be necessary. However, other characteristics of intelligence gathering indicate that remote viewing is of little value. Intelligence operations do not provide targets of a fixed bandwidth; rather, targets and target types are highly variable. Moreover, the apparent necessity for feedback to the remote viewers would preclude its use in intelligence gathering operations. Finally, intelligence information is most valuable if it is concrete and specific, and reliably interpretable. Unfortunately, the research conducted to date indicates that the remote viewing phenomenon fails to meet those preconditions. Therefore, we conclude that:

        Remote viewing, as exemplified by the efforts in the current program, has not been shown to have value in intelligence operations.

        This point was also graphically illustrated in the user interviews, where it was found that remote viewings have never provided an adequate basis for "actionable" intelligence operations -- that is, information sufficiently valuable or compelling so that action was taken as a result. If a phenomenon does not contribute to intelligence operations, it is difficult to see what justification exists for its continued application. This is particularly true in the case of remote viewing, where a large amount of irrelevant, erroneous information is provided and little agreement is observed among viewers' reports.

        Particularly troublesome from the perspective of the application of paranormal phenomena is the fact that the remote viewers and project managers reported that remote viewing reports were changed to make them consistent with known background cues. While this was appropriate in that situation, it makes it impossible to interpret the role of the paranormal phenomenon independently. Also, it raises some doubts about some well publicized cases of dramatic hits, which, if taken at face value, could not easily be attributed to background cues. In at least some of these cases, there is reason to suspect, based on both subsequent investigations and the viewers' statement that reports had been "changed" by previous program managers, that substantially more background information was available than one might at first assume. Give these observations, it is difficult to argue that available evidence justifies application of remote viewing in intelligence operations.

        In summary, two clear-out conclusion emerge from our examination of the operational component of the current program. First, as stated above, evidence for the operational value of remote viewing is not available, even after a decade of attempts. Second, it is unlikely that remote viewing -- as currently understood -- even if its existence can be unequivocally demonstrated, will prove of any use in intelligence gathering due to the conditions and constraints applying in intelligence operations and the suspected characteristics of the phenomenon. We conclude that:

        Continued support for the operational component of the current program is not justified.

        关键词(Tags): #Star#Gate#遥视
      • 家园 遥视在考古(遗址发掘)中的成功应用. 论文摘要之摘译...

        遥视者被要求确定Marea城[1]的位置,然后确定这个城市被埋葬的一个建筑,最后描述该建筑中有些什么东西. 结果,遥视者给出的数据非常准确, 而在当时, 无论是电子的遥感手段还是地质分析都无法显示在此地有个遗址. 由于这个原因, 在该城被发掘以前, 遥视的数据显得非常不可信, 并与考古学家的判断相悖. 所以这项实验更显得非同寻常.




        [1] Marea城在埃及Alexandria城西南44公里,Maryut湖滨,古老的商业中心,16世纪后被遗弃,并被埋藏在湖滨.

        关键词(Tags): #遥视
        • 家园 凯西定中看到:上古时代尼罗河向西流入大西洋.现已被证实

          解读 #364-13:

          凯西: ...尼罗河流入大西洋(现在是流入地中海)。现在被成为撒哈拉(沙漠)的地方曾经是肥沃的土地。现在是这个国家(美国)的中心部分,或称为密西西比盆地的,曾经是海底;只有高原地带存在过,这个地带现在是美国的犹他州、内华达州和亚利桑那州的一部分...

          解读 #276-2:

          凯西: ...在此之前,我们发觉(他生活在)同样的这片现在叫埃及的土地上(这是在南部山区升高之前,当时的尼罗河水注入现在称为大西洋里)...

          解读 #5748-6:

          凯西: ...在这期间,地貌第一次发生改变,尼罗河注入现在称为的大西洋,而刚果是她的最后流经国。现在被称为撒哈拉的曾经是肥沃的土地...

          后来, 1986年8月<<科学>>杂志发表了一篇文章,报告了从宇宙飞船的雷达照片中发现在最干旱的撒哈拉下面的一条未知河道。卫星和地面的现场考察表明,尼罗河确流经此河道,穿过撒哈拉,穿过非洲,流入大西洋!


          另一个与当时的知识所违背的解读: 在为一位女士的生命解读中,凯西指出了她曾在犹太人团体Essense生活过,并有幸成为圣母玛莉亚的女伴。而当时的历史和考古学家均认为Essense只有男性。一直到1947年,“死海卷轴”(Dead Sea Scrolls)发现以后,人们才知道Essense里有男有女。而这时解读的给出已经是十多年前的事了,凯西[1]本人也过世几年了。


          [1] Edgar Cayce 1877-1945.

          关键词(Tags): #凯西
    • 家园 呵呵,是没什么大不了的

      不就是Project Star Gate出来的人吗。


    • 家园 我们可以先不谈理论(反正大家也接受不了),先考察实验事实

      1. 这些"证据"是否确实? 不是假冒的? 是不是真的遥视?

      2. 若确实, 遥视能被目前神经科学的模型所解释吗? (大致是: 外界刺激引起感觉器官的响应->传导到相应的脑区->获得感知)

      3. 对经典的模型作什么补充(愈少愈好), 就可以解释遥视?


      关键词(Tags): #遥视
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