
主题:【链接(集)】The Telepathy Debate -- 衲子

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        • 家园 【评论】其实那个debate并没什么新东西


          不过Wolpert的眼光不差,他说这是pathological science,而Ganzfeld及很多实验之所以一直都无法被公认为证明了psi的存在,最关键最根本的问题确实就是effect size不够。以至于Sheldrake虽然一开始承认effect不大,后来又多次强调什么10的多少次方分之一的chace due to random,对很多外行来说就像是暗示meta分析中的主要假设(psi存在)99.999...%成立,似乎是把统计学广告化、文宣化了。另一方面,把己方悲剧化,营造受打压形象,也是一些人进行宣传的常用手段。

          若主办方找来Ray Hyman或Susan Blackmore这样对psi类实验有大量经验者当反方,那又是另一番光景了。不过讨论内容可能会相当枯燥,艰深,无趣,那也说不定。


          Why Most Published Research Findings Are False


          Skeptic's Dictionary关于Ganzfeld的介绍。


          • 家园 对于我这种外行来说,





            • 家园 我也不是内行


              首先是有关记忆的availability bias:当人们发现自己猜对的时候,他们通常会有些惊讶,情感反应会增加,于是对这一事件的印象会特别深刻;而当人们猜错的时候,他们会觉得这是正常的,因此就没放在心上,更可能是直接忘掉自己曾经有过猜测。过一段时间,当你问他有没有经常猜对来电,他会觉得:‘有,有时确实会猜对,似乎成功率不仅仅是随机的几率’,这是因为他能一下子想起来以前猜中的那几次,却不会记得多少猜错的次数,于是判断就有了bias。

              其次是关于‘第六感’以及subtle cues:有时候人们会突然想起某件事、某个人,而他们完全不知道为什么会想起来,似乎是无端端就想起来了。但事实上,我们的思维并非真的那么‘无厘头’。催眠法和精神分析学派揭示了潜意识的存在,我们所意识到的部份,往往只是整个思维过程的一部份,甚至只是冰山一角。很多实验都证明了暗示能有效地影响人的思维和行为,被影响者懵然不知,但这种影响幅度一般相当有限(类似许多超感官实验的effect size),比如说单单透过暗示使一个正常人去犯法,这是不可能的,但使行人走路步伐变慢却完全可能。回到电话上,有时一些事先发生的事件能够预示即将来到的某个电话,人们不一定能有意识的发现这种关系并理性地推测出谁即将来电,但只要他们确实接触到了这些预示,有时候就会形成一种暗示,于是在一段时间内此人就会偶尔出现‘某某将要致电给我’的感觉,人们习惯将这种感觉称为第六感,因为这不是他们有意推断出来的,这种想法就像是凭空跑出来的。

              对那些不浮躁,肯认真做学文的parapsychologist来说,他们最头痛的就是subtle cues,因为关于心灵感应现象的实验,每一个trial必然要牵涉至少两个或以上的人/生物(比如还有裁判),这对于控制各种confound非常不利,很难保证没有任何的cues泄露出来,哪怕是大量自动化的automated ganzfeld procedures也不例外。如果是做更贴近实际生活的调查研究,则记忆上的availability bias也可能会成为严重的问题。再加上实验结果的effect size又小,拿这些数据宣称其证明了某某极具革命性的发现,很难不引起质疑。这些不是迫害与苛求,而是extraordinary claim就要有extraordinary proof来支持,这是parapsychology所必须面对的挑战。

              关键词(Tags): #availability#bias#subtle#cues元宝推荐:水风,
              • 家园 多谢您的回帖




        • 家园 双宝花
      • 家园 我曾经有老鼠盗水被淹死!哈哈!


    • 家园 【视频链接】Sheldrake的Microsoft讲座


      "The Extended Mind: Recent Experimental Evidence"

      "延伸的心智: 近期的实验证据"

    • 家园 【选粹】

      Sceptics are very credulous when it comes to claims of sceptics. ... [False debunking due to predudices] shows it's a self-reinforcing system, reinforced by a system of taboos and prejudices, which I think, are a shame to science. I think that this is an outrage, really, that in a scientific world we have this kind of behaviour going on, which I think, brings discredit on the whole of science, and I think one of the things that really disillusions people with science is the feeling that science is not actually about evidence, it's about dogma, and my view is that science needs to be about evidence, not dogma, and personally, I see telepathy as a test case for this very principle.

      Telepathy is a taboo subject. It's an extraordinary thing that scientists who claim to be rational or rationalists, get extraordinarily irrational when it comes to the subject of telepathy. The belief in evidence just goes out of the window. It often arouses deep emotions, and I often wonder, why is it that people get so upset at the possible existence of telepathy? Why is it something so deeply disturbing? I think the reasons are historical. They go back at least as far as the ‘enlightenment,’ when the idea of the agenda was to push forward the science and reason and reject religion and superstition, credulity, folklaw and so forth. Somehow, telepathy - at that time, not called telepathy - but somehow, these psychic phenomena got put into the compartment of ‘superstition,’ and ever since then, rational people have been supposed not to believe in them.

      I think that's why (as a sociological fact) you won't find serious articles about this in broadsheet newspapers or on Horizon programmes on BBC, because these are beyond the pale of rational discourse, and educated people - not just scientists, but most university graduates - know that they're meant to be part of this ‘enlightenment’ project, and at least in public, are supposed to deny telepathy, or at least, not talk about it. The penalty for doing so is to be thought credulous, superstitious or stupid and no one wants to lose intellectual cast.

      So, I think that this taboo got established quite early on and it's somehow been in place ever since then. If you look at the controversies in the late 19th century, they were the same as today, the same kinds of arguments. The people in favour, said, “Here's all the evidence.” The people against, said, “It's impossible, the evidence is all not credible, etc.”

      It's very strange in science that some new ideas are perfectly acceptable. For example, David Deutsch who is a Physicist in Oxford has written a book on Time Travel. He's also written a book on Multiple Universes, the idea that every time a physical observation is made, the universe splits, and there's billions, trillions, quadrillions of parallel universes, completely unobserved. He holds down a respectful position in Physics in Oxford. There's no evidence at all for this postulate, and yet, this is quite tolerable within Physics. However, when it comes to the subject of telepathy, David Deutsch says very much the same as Lewis Wolpert. “It's total rubbish, not a shred of evidence.” I know he hasn't studied the evidence, but somehow the same person can have totally wild theories about paranormal universes and yet, this complete taboo against telepathy, co-existing in the same person.

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