
主题:What I learnt from drive school -- Hman

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  • 家园 What I learnt from drive school

    这事起因于我和一拨子高中生一起上driving school,而那个driving school的老师也很随和,上课时就有很多笑料可说,课里的一些quiz题目也只能用ridiculous形容。所以这其实是个冷笑话。有些非常的冷……



    Common Sense: What I learnt from driving school

    1. Do not make U turns on the highway, as opposite traffic is separated by barriers.

    2. If you see a RED CROSS light suspended right over your car on a highway, it's very possible that you are going to be hit by an 18-wheeler.

    3. Do whatever you would like to do if you are driving at 150 miles per hour. Do them ASAP.

    4. Do not put coffee machines on a Recreational Vehicle. At least do not leave your seat to make coffee while driving it.

    5. School bus drivers get fired as they stump over too many cars. "Oh gosh, another bump." They make prolonged Hammers (which are driving to their next gas station) half the size, too. However, in some disasters they are hit by 18 wheelers. Trains would take care of these 18 wheels, btw.

    6. Weave Lanes are not pathways for drowsy and drunk drivers that also have police waiting at the end of the road, though they are designed by French.

    7. The only way you get caught on a High-Occupancy Vehicle Lane is to put 3 inflatable doll passengers in you car.

    8. You would not be awarded by a "C-O-M-B-O" prize for consecutively hitting 2 pedestrains on a highway. Not any punishment, either.

    9. Only stupid morons get a 40/100 in a Driver Ed School quiz



    0. Stupid moron laughs.

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