
主题:不知道大家知道这个不,Philipp Plein的辱华T恤事件 -- 夜月空山

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家园 不知道大家知道这个不,Philipp Plein的辱华T恤事件





家园 据说德国的种族歧视管得很严
家园 和报纸,电视台之类的媒体联系过吗?


家园 就是不知道德国相关的法律呀,先在抗议信中说了,会考虑法律手段


家园 今天email收到了回信,全文如下,看来他们动作挺快

“ Wed, 11 Jul 2007 16:12:15 +0200

Dear Sirs,

Here some explanation concerning a logo we used for a special and limited T-shirt edition produced last season.

On this specific T-shirt collection we had printed the letters f.u.c.k.u.china.

The PHILIPP PLEIN Int. AG company would like to explain what lies behind this abbreviation and give the following statement:

f.u.c.k.u.china stands for “the fascinating & urban collection: kiss you China”.

We would like to specify that we never intended to hurt or offend the citizens of China.

On the contrary, with this collection we wanted to thank China because it gives us the possibility to produce some articles of our collection on a competitive price basis.

In addition, the man craft we found in China is very precise and leads to a good quality of the clothes.

This is a great satisfaction for us and for our end customers.

We are a young and dynamic company and this is why we intituled this limited T-shirt edition “fascinating and urban” collection and “kiss” is a way to thank the Chinese savoir-faire.

Since we have been pointed out that the message is not clear and leads to

controversy, these T-shirts - that were already limited to start with (max. 100 T-shirts have been produced) - have been retired from the market.

Once again, we are sincerely sorry if the abbreviation of the logo has been

misinterpreted. We never wanted to offend anyone.

Thank you for comprehension.

Philipp Plein International AG

Säntisstrasse 7

8580 Amriswil

Tel.: 0041-71-414-2550

Fax: 0041-71-414-2560”


有一点他们大概说对了,他们是young company,大概以为这种方式(或者说是炒作)能吸引人眼球吧。

家园 我对此的回信

Dear Sirs,

First thanks a lot for your quick reply and consideration. But you still haven't explained the ugly buffoon portrait printed on that T-shirt(The man with a look of manchurian and with a strange hat above his head), I think for most people, at the first sight, will not consider it "a lovely idol of Chinese". Even if the "F-u-c-k you China" is some kinda humor, as you said, but consider the combination of that, what will cause European and Chinese people think when look at it?

Although it has limited quantity 100 and "have been retired from the market" as you mentioned, but it has already caused very bad influence among the normal people whoever have seen it.

So we hereby once again require you to make a formal explanation on the main stream media(N24 channel, Spiegel, Frankfurter Allgemeine, Sueddeutsche Zeitung.) together with our attitude: Strongly against fake goods, but it is NOT done by hostility and discrimination, it is done by cooperation and communication.

Thanks again for your understanding!


家园 我的英语不好,看来他们已经撤货了,

the fascinating & urban collection: kiss you China作为英文本身是否有问题?不是就生凑几个单词吧。


家园 再花,为你自豪。


家园 帮不上什么忙,道义支持


家园 支持





家园 送花^6^支持!
家园 Flower and Support!

I greatly admire your courage in standing up to protest against their humiliation on China and Chinese people.

Overall the letter is well written. But the general tone is too polite and soft to me. I think a more precise, professional, and serious tone would make the letter stronger and more powerful. For example, I wouldn't start the letter with "First thanks a lot...". Instead I would say "Your letter dated xx/xx is received." "Thanks a lot" is not formal English, and there's really no point to thank them.

"So we hereby once again require you to make a formal explanation..."

--- "We strongly urge that you make an open apology on the mainstream media..."

"So", "hereby" etc. can be omitted to make the sentence more precise, which in turn makes the tone stronger, let alone the 'strongly urge that you do' part.

"Strongly against fake goods, but it is NOT done by hostility and discrimination, it is done by cooperation and communication.”

--- “We are strongly against unethical business practices such as producing and distributing fake products. But the course of anti- unethical business activities should BY NO MEANS take the form of discrimination and humiliation.”

“Thanks again for your understanding!


--- “We hope that our protest and requirements have been effectively communicated to you. We retain the right to seek support from media and related authoritative organizations, but we hope that PHILIPP PLEIN will take necessary and immediate actions to help resolve the situation smoothly to avoid serious consequences.


家园 惭愧啊,俺英文水平太次了



家园 换个名字再发一次把
家园 Are you a lawyer?

This revision is pretty strong.

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