
主题:【原创】笨狼臧否世界英雄-1入围者(旧作) -- 迷途笨狼

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家园 languages and cultures

divide that land.

There will be two blocks: Germanic and Latin ones, but not one unified Euroland.

Wait for shocks from the French banks in the next 12 months.

家园 以前法兰西、意大利和德国是一个国家,还不说更早的罗马
家园 Roman empire

mostly ruled today's Latin European region. Its control over Germanic region was brief and short-lived.

West Roman Empire used Latin as the communication languages, which gave birth to all modern latin European languages, such as Spanish, Portuguese, French and Italian.

家园 您的历史也不咋的啊



"You do not know history well, kid."这句话最好不要说,首先就很不谦虚,其次自己容易出丑.

家园 I tonedown prev post还不说更早的罗马

that's clearly Roman Empire, not the fake Holy Roman Empire.

Holy Roman empire is a joke, with no historical significance. And 罗马 is usually not equivalent of Holy Roman Empire.

Today's Frenchmen have only 1/6 of "traditional" French people. Most are offsprings of immigrants from Spain and Italy. Why do not just visit there, talk to local people and enjoy their culture first before just referring to textbook info? Even Frenchmen admitted their culture is Latin culture.

法国的起源是高卢凯尔特人和日耳曼人的混杂--France comes from "Frank" and Celtic influence was mostly eliminated during the Roman rule and Frankish invasion. BTW, the assumption that political union will result in cultural similarity is not true: check Han-China and Tibet section of China.

I think Europeans know better about their history than some Chinese textbooks.

家园 近期来看,美国不会允许。

key: the loss of global reserve currency status.

America enjoyed this priviledge too long and it will be horrible to lose it. The elites all know that.

欧洲的政治统一貌似不会出现: not good news for China too.

家园 西藏与其他中国地区同属一个国家


Your implicit logic is that political union will ensure cultural similarity, that's a wrong assumption.

家园 您这个历史可是真够呛

法兰克帝国和那个既不神圣也不罗马更不帝国的"神圣罗马帝国"根本 不是一回事请,前后差了近两个世纪.你那么瞧不起历史textbook,结果把基本历史知识都搞错了.

Today's Frenchmen have only 1/6 of "traditional" French people. Most are offsprings of immigrants from Spain and Italy. 这个扯淡的数据不知道从哪里来的.估计肯定不是历史书上来的.

BTW, the assumption that political union will result in cultural similarity is not true.


你以为你用英语说话,就可以assume别人都是看的Chinese textbooks?呵呵,这逻辑,杠杠的.

I think Europeans know better...

您貌似并非european啊,可您却总貌似know better.

家园 1/6,comes from French friend

back in Paris. It is reported in The Economist article before. Modern France is quite different from France in the 11th century too.

法兰克帝国 is not Roman empire, nor the Holy Roman Empire. His previous post talks about "Rome". I only comment only his "Rome" word. Please read carefully.

As to the Frankish empire, it did not last long and does not have enough time to unify language and cultures before its final division. After that, those three nations developed separately.

BTw, the big cultural division between Germanic Europeans and Latin European is common knowledge among Europeans. Most inter-national marriage goes easily among Germanic people (e.g., Dutch-Germans, German-Danish, French-Italian/Spanish) or among Latin people, but it is difficult to marry across the Germanic and Latin line.


No time to waste, let's ignore each other.

家园 parishg, 您就这点气量,还是少教训别人


你知道你什么毛病吗?自己以为自己优越,就总是一上来就给别人套一个假设.那句教训别人"you do not know history well, kid",真的很可笑.

家园 欧洲的历史其实可以尝试用地理来解释












关键词(Tags): #欧洲历史(冬天的绿茶)# 欧洲地理(冬天的绿茶)通宝推:老醋花生,笑一笑十年,西瓜子,范进中举,
家园 大家就不要在



--French is a latin language. Frenchmen themselves said that they are Latin people by culture.

--According to The Economist, only 1/6 today's Frenchmen come from old French "stock" and many are offsprings from Italian and Spanish immigrants. So 11th century Frenchmen were still Frankish, but today's Frenchmen are mostly Latin. I do not think there is need for further debate.

我学过法语,又在那里生活过,还算了解一二吧。你是聪明人,全世界各地都跑过。Your post is trying to please both sides and making everyone happy: but it might not be factual.

比利牛斯山--is not a block for everyone. Many Basque people also live on both sides of this mountain. It slows down the spread of civilization into Spain, but it does not block everything.



--fully agree. In the end, it will split into two blocks: Germanic and Latin blocks. Xenophobia is already on the rise. France is slowly slipping into the poor side.



Smart people chose to avoid dangerous(or potentially) dangerous places and stick to the future winners. Simple.

家园 语言方面按照你的划分方法是可以的,



家园 怎么把毛主席放在文学家里了?
家园 德语、英语中也有很多的拉丁词根。

German came into formal existence due to the translation of Bible by Martin Luther, so did English and Dutch. All those Germanic languages lack uniform writing and upper-class used Latin or French for communication. Their birth is partially attributed to the translation of Bible.

拉丁词根--are borrowed to create certain words. But average people usually can easily live within their own language blocks and understand people around them (eg., Frenchmen in Spain, Portugal, Italy and vice versa), but not across the block line (e.g., a Spaniard in Germany/Netherlands/Norway/England), though many English words share some Latin roots. Actually, my German/Dutch/Norway/Danish friends all told me that they can communicate in their own mother tones and still understand each other. It does not happen when one German talks to a Spaniard.

Grammatical and writing differences are also huge across the Latin-Germanic line.


Actually so is Britain!! But Britain and France still treat each other as different cultural groups. You are talking about BLOODLINE, not cultures. For Englishmen, they also have 日耳曼(Anglo-Saxon),维京(due to Viking invasion),诺曼(Norman in Northern France as well as Southern England)。拉丁(due to Julius Caesar),凯特尔(aboriginal people, before Roman invasion)。

so is Spain: spaniards are physically different from each other. It has mixed bloodline of 凯特尔(celtic), Latin, Germanic (due to barbarian invasion) and even Moors (Arabic).

BLOODLINE is all mixed in various European nations. I even have several French friends with German names (because of the loss of Alsace) and German blood, but in Europe, two major languages and cultural blocks are still obvious: that's the latin and the Germanic ones.

In the future, Frenchmen will still choose their Latin friends as partner, not Germans. Frenchmen and Germans are just so so different culturally, even though they may share so much in bloodline. Inside the European Commission, according to my Spanish friend, latin Europeans are working closer with each other than with their Germanic colleagues.

BTW, Hofstede is the guru on cultural studies back in Europe. I post some info here.


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