
主题:【贴图】停电与否的北美洲东岸在上帝的眼睛看起来,有不一样呀。 -- 杨不过

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家园 【贴图】停电与否的北美洲东岸在上帝的眼睛看起来,有不一样呀。



灯光璀璨的夜晚 VS 停电

Images taken by a NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) satellite showing light coverage in the northeastern United States on a normal night (L), at 9:21 PM Eastern time on August 13, 2003, and after a massive blackout affected much of the area (R), shown at 9:03 PM Eastern time on August 14, showing the relative lack of lights due to the power outage. Millions of Americans and Canadians slowly recovered from the largest power outage in North American history Friday, as President George W. Bush called the blackout a "wake up call" and urged the modernization of antiquated electricity infrastructure. Officials were trying to pinpoint the cause of the breakdown and to discover how it cascaded so quickly through much of the northeastern United States and the Canadian province of Ontario, knocking New York City, Detroit, Cleveland, Ottawa, Toronto and a host of smaller cities back into the pre-electric age. REUTERS/NOAA-Handout

家园 真有不一样呀。
家园 这电线现在到底修好没有?
家园 哈哈哈哈,等得很着急吧?


家园 是啊,杨人知我心。


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