
主题:【原创】在美国怎样的人能买枪? -- 东湖珞珈

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家园 【原创】在美国怎样的人能买枪?


如果您已经入籍成为公民,那您就随便买, 跟买萝卜白菜似的, 当然了,您得是良民,有不良记录的是另外的故事了。


1. A valid state issued driver’s license (DL) or identification card (ID). The DL or ID address must match the address on the proof of residency.

2. A valid INS issued Resident Alien (Green) card.

3. 90 days continuous proof of residency at the same address. This must be an apartment lease, utility bills, etc. This proof must contain the buyer’s name, current address and the billing data. Consecutive statement dates must total at least 90 continuous days. The most recent statement can be no more than 30 days old from the date of purchase.

4. Providing a valid Social security card is optional. Although, we strongly encourage the purchaser to provide this information as it may help with the background check. This information might also possibly prevent a person from being wrongly denied on the background check.


5. a valid passport from the person’s native country.

6. a void work visa with the proper status. With the valid visa, the person must also have a valid INS issued I-94 Departure record. A student visa is not acceptable for purchasing firearms in the US.

7. if the person’s work visa has expired, in addition to the passport and expired visa the person must also provide a valid INS issued Employment Authorization card.

8. The person must also obtain and provide a valid hunting license. The address on the hunting license must mathc the DL and ID. The hunting license is available at numerous sporting good stores.


但是, 切记切记:安全第一。

关于枪械的安全, 我有空再写一篇。

另外, 还有一篇可以参考:




关键词(Tags): #买枪

本帖一共被 4 帖 引用 (帖内工具实现)
家园 真巧,这两天正在考虑学Hunting呢,我们公司好多人都有这爱好,

下午还和一同事聊呢,您就来来了场及时雨.请问申请hunting license的步骤 (没绿卡,工作签证)


家园 不完全正确




家园 我帖的这个正是在本地枪店里拿的说明

我说的这些就像数学定理前面要加一句“一般的”一样, 是一般性的指南, 至少看完了大家不会两眼一抹黑,听人家人云亦云。 美国各地法律都不太一样, 所以还是要劳驾各位实地考察一下。

本来联邦的法律是铁板一块,简单的说就是如果不是美国人您就别想买枪, 但是, 这个法律又很好玩,它又规定了几个“例外”或者说“特例”:就算你是外国人,如果是来美国打猎的,有美国的猎证就可以买枪。而那个拿猎证的门槛可是太低了, 结果我看是只要是合法良民想买就可以买枪, 这个倒是蛮好的。所以很多老中买枪都是从拿猎证开始的。

家园 申请hunting license的步骤

这个事情容易, 在我们这里只要是本州居民就可以以二十多美元买一年的猎证。法律条文当然是12345有很多条的, 但是具体操作起来就很简单, 那家店就是看了我的驾照就完事了, 我还准备了好几个月的电话账单他们看都没有看。

如果是外州的话, 一年要300美元。

家园 关于非移民买枪多说几句

我查了ATF的网页, 他们是这么说的:

(A15) Q. May foreign visitors and other aliens legally in the United States purchase or possess firearms and ammunition while in the United States?

A. Nonimmigrant aliens generally are prohibited from possessing or receiving (purchasing) firearms and ammunition in the United States.

There are exceptions to this general prohibition. The exceptions are as follows:

nonimmigrant aliens who possess a valid hunting license or permit lawfully issued by a State in the United States;

nonimmigrant aliens entering the United States to participate in a competitive target shooting event or to display firearms at a sports or hunting trade show sponsored by a national, State, or local firearms trade organization devoted to the competitive use or other sporting use of firearms;

certain diplomats;

officials of foreign governments or distinguished foreign visitors so designated by the U.S. State Department;

foreign law enforcement officers of friendly foreign governments entering the United States on official law enforcement business; and

persons who have received a waiver from the prohibition from the U.S. Attorney General.

Significantly, even if a nonimmigrant alien falls within one of these exceptions, the nonimmigrant alien CANNOT purchase a firearm from a Federal firearms licensee (FFL) unless he or she (1) has an alien number or admission number from the Immigration and Naturalization Service AND (2) can provide the FFL with documentation showing that he or she has resided in a State within the United States for 90 days prior to the firearms transaction.



关键词(Tags): #非移民买枪
家园 【文摘】找到一篇, 希望对大家有帮助



非公民, 也没有绿卡, 能在加州玩手枪吗?

sd 于 5/6/2005

声明: 本文纯属个人研究心得, 而非法律建议. 本人不承担任何法律责任.

假如你在加州合法居住(有I-94卡)90天以上, 有驾照, 但不是美国公民, 也没有绿卡, 能在加州玩手枪吗? 答案是如果所在市市法不禁止, 并且你没有犯罪记录,就可以. 联邦法和州法不是问题. 本文分四步详解如下. 如果有不对之处, 欢迎大家指正补充. 非手枪不在讨论范围 (特别是短管步枪另有法律规定).

1. 合法非移民居民可以合法在射击场射击. 你可以去射击场租枪打. 没有法律禁止你. 费用因地而异, 一般去一次租枪费, 场地费, 弹药费, 靶纸费共$30左右. 如你不想买枪, 这是一个不错的选择.

2. 合法非移民居民可以合法购买拥有枪枝弹药. 联邦法规定一般只有公民或绿卡才可以. 但是也有例外. 作为合法非移民居民, 你只要有合法的狩猎执照就可以购买和拥有枪枝弹药. 见美国政府烟酒枪枝管理局网站: http://www.atf.gov/firearms/faq/faq2.htm#a15. 如果你的枪枝经销商不知道相关法律, 你可以把这个网页打印下来给他看.

猎照由各州发部, 在Wal-mart或运动用品商店有出售. 购买猎照前必须参加州办的狩猎培训. 购枪时须出示驾照及90天居住证明, 如水电帐单.

加州州法没有对无犯罪记录的非移民居民购枪拥枪做规定. 如当地市法也不禁止的话,则满足相关联邦法(见上)即可购枪拥枪.

3. 合法非移民居民可以合法携带或运输(用车或不用车) 自已的已登记的枪枝弹药, 但是不能以隐藏的方式. 加州特别规定用腰部枪套方式携带(露在衣外)不算隐藏方式. 见加州 Penal Code 12025: http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/cgi-bin/displaycode?section=pen&group=12001-13000&file=12020-12040.

4. 但是下述情况不受上述条款限制; 隐藏或不隐藏携带均可. 见加州Penal Code 12026.2; 网页同上.

情况1: 在直接去枪枝安全或狩猎安全课的路上, 或在直接回来的路上.

情况2: 在直接去购枪, 修枪, 或借枪的路上, 或在直接回来的路上.

情况3: 在直接去有合法执照的射击场射击的路上, 或在直接回来的路上.

情况4: 在直接去合法野营地野营的路上, 或在直接回来的路上. 带枪目的必需是个人防护, 并且不违犯野营地规定.

虽然隐藏或不隐藏携带均可, 但是我感觉既使在以上情况下, 最好还是把不装弹的枪, 锁进箱子里. 开车时箱子放在汽车后备箱里. 弹药分开放.

家园 啊,学生不能买?好惨!
家园 学生可以买



家园 我还寻思呢,那个佛理的枪杀案的韩国凶手不就是学生么。
家园 此学生非彼学生



家园 哦,是这样。唉,我最想要一把兄弟连里美军的那种步枪,太美了!


家园 大八粒M-1 Garand





家园 从个人手里买旧枪是否只要狩猎证即可?

I saw aMarlin model 783 .22 Magnum Rifle. Bolt action. $125.00

家园 公民之间


若不是公民,还是老老实实的走FFL DEALER的路子,让他们给你转一下,二三十刀的事,杜绝了法律上的漏洞。


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