
主题:核实战果?——河里有没有在美朋友,能否为兄弟解解这个惑? -- 双石

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家园 核实战果?——河里有没有在美朋友,能否为兄弟解解这个惑?











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家园 这显然是误炸,但是歪打正着验证了对地攻击的战果可靠性
家园 应该是吧,都说了炸的是“南朝鲜”的汽车库



轰炸机对于地面损失效果评估之可靠性可见一斑... 要把远东空军在朝鲜的所有战果加巴加巴算一块,中朝人员损失肯定过亿了...

家园 这论文的作者,题目和期刊的英文是什么啊
家园 汉译英吧。
家园 差之毫厘,失之千里啊

作者,我google,感觉最可能是Col George. H. Kneen


家园 一点搜索结果

应该是:Air Force Academy Journal。依此找到下面这个期刊:

U.S. Air Force Academy Journal of Professional Military Ethics


U.S. Army Aviation Digest

Air Defense Artillery

Air Force Comptroller

Air Force Journal of Logistics

Air Force Law Review

Air Force Material Command Leading Edge


家园 大概是这个期刊吧

D 305.11: United States Air Force Academy Assembly, Proceedings


家园 不知道这篇文章里面谈及的内容对这方面有没有提及

Observations on Close Air Support in Korea - by W. L. Archer, June 1951



家园 多谢,花谢!


家园 Looks like this guy

George H. Krieger

Brigadier General George H. Krieger assumed duties as deputy chief of staff, comptroller, Air Training Command, in August 1964. His office is at Headquarters, ATC, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas.

His previous assignment was as comptroller, Headquarters Pacific Air Forces, Hickam Air Force Base, Hawaii.

General Krieger was born in Salamanca, N.Y., in 1911. He received his commission through Army ROTC following graduation from Cornell University in May 1933 with a major in economics.

He attended Cornell Law School from 1933 to 1936, and graduated with a bachelor of laws degree in 1936. He served as freshman soccer coach at Cornell during this period. General Krieger was admitted to the practice of law in New York State in 1936 and was employed in legal offices there from 1936 to 1940.

Since being called to active duty in October 1940, General Krieger has been assigned to the widely separated areas of New Jersey, New York, Philippines, Illinois, Newfoundland, Hawaii and the Pentagon.

The general is now serving as deputy chief of staff, comptroller, ATC, for the second time. During 1955-60, he held that position at Scott Air Force Base, Ill., a former location of Headquarters ATC, and at Randolph Air Force Base, Texas.

His other former assignments include executive to the deputy chief of staff, comptroller, Headquarters U.S. Air Force; director of data systems and statistics, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, and assistant for data automation, Comptroller of the Air Force, Headquarters U.S. Air Force.

As comptroller, General Krieger is the principal financial management adviser to the ATC Commander. He is responsible for all budgets, fund administration, accounting, disbursing, statistical reporting and related analyses within the command.

He is also responsible for staff and technical supervision of all subordinate comptroller functions throughout the command, involving about 2,500 military and civilian personnel.

General Krieger is a member of the New York State Bar; the Cornell Law Association, Armed Forces Management Association, the Episcopal Church; Masonic Lodge; and Army-Navy Country Club, Washington, D.C.

But I can not find the book

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家园 你牛!怎么翻出来的?
家园 这家伙的姓离克尼恩可有点远啊,似乎身份也偏高
家园 花谢一下,至少是有价值的!
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