
主题:【原创】一计不成 又生一计 西媒集体发难中国新动向 -- 平天下

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  • 家园 【原创】一计不成 又生一计 西媒集体发难中国新动向









    China's policy in Africa: MEPs on the alert




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    While the success of failure of China's policy in Africa is still a debate and waiting to be seen, the failure of western policy in Africa could be seen quite clearly.

    The bottom line is, China's treat Africa as equals, the west treat Africa as children. Africa need more respect, to decide for themselves what they want and don't want. With China, they have the last word on the establishment of a business deal, with the west, they depend on the mood of the "parents".

    In my opinion, its better to build roads, schools and hospitals and then worry about whether or not they can benefit the people, rather than waiting for the country to self-transform into a political utopia first while a few million starve to death while waiting for it.

    iewgnem, toronto, canada

    Ultimately, we all are held accountable for keeping our governments accountable - if not by each other, then by the consequences of having our governments attend to priorities that are not ours.

    What is important are the day-by-day minute-by-minute choices people make and whether they are

    a) made locally or with intent to show solidarity with fellow citizens and

    b) symbolic of holding a government accountable for following our priorities or simply keeping one's head below the parapet.

    An academic reply but critical. If you startle a group of impala, they scatter in all directions. That is one choice. The other is to immediately close ranks and out stare what startled you. To do that requires trust that the other 'impala' will close ranks with you, otherwise you are left standing alone trying to out stare a threat.

    A practical way forward is to learn Mandarin. That alone is a gesture of standing firm.

    Jo, Olney, UK

    "Western moralising may sometimes be hypocritical, but it is surely preferable to the absence of any morality at all in dealing with the likes of Mugabe"

    -- should that be something that the Africans should decide for themselves? Maybe the African nations are not "recoiling" from Western hypocrisies, a short-coming that all human beings possess, to varying degrees. Instead, maybe they are recoiling from Western Chauvinism - the assumption that we are smarter and more capable of making the life-and-death decisions for the Africans than the Africans themselves. Maybe that is why the Chinese practicality is more attractive: they are there for trade and nothing else. They do not try to impose their values and they are not there to topple governments or instigate revolutions. That is for the Africans themselves to decide. Maybe that is what all of the third world wants from the west also -- to just be left alone to find their own ways. They see what we did to Iraq, and they know better.

    Mario Savio, Berkeley, California

    Well said, Dan.

    Many people (the disciples of Rhodes, I suppose) are still bitter over the loss of their "rightful" loots in Africa, and all too happy to brand anyone cooperating with their former victims as "thieves" or the new "colonialist". I guess according to these high-moral priests people in Africa should put up with occasional missile launched into their pharmaceutical factories from the Indian Ocean, or occasional outbreak of extreme violence funded by the oil mercenaries. A whole set of Encyclopedia Africana can be written on how Britain alone butchered, raped, and looted the continent. Righteous people have long memory.

    Ian Summers, Birmingham, UK

    "Beijing offers them a real alternative to dealing with the West and its heavy moral baggage "

    Unfortunately the west has lost its moral currency in Africa.

    Look at west's endorsement of Ethiopia's and Kenya's Elections

    Look at the suffering of the Somalis that is being instigated by the west encouraging Ethiopia to do their dirty job. I can go on .....

    African's see west's moral out rage when it just suits them.

    Dan, London, UK

    Thank you for reminding us of how benign old style colonialism was. I am gladdened to hear that Heart of Darkness, the Zulu wars, the India Salt Act of 1882, the use of poison gas in Ethiopia, the invention of the concentration camp in the Boer Wars, and the North American slave trade were just figments of the collective imagination.

    Theresa Yarmouth, Chicago, IL, USA


    • 家园 这才是欧洲转向的原因,不过怎么地也比八九强多了






    • 家园 看看所谓的Foreign Correspondents Club



      " April 30, 2008 -- One hundred days before the Olympics, death threats against foreign correspondents and official statements demonizing Western media risk creating a hostile environment for foreign journalists based in China and for tens of thousands of additional media planning to cover the Games, says the Foreign Correspondents Club of China (FCCC). "

      真是没辙, 还demonize了他们,这个Melinda Liu也写了很多捧ZD的话,其中一句"Tibetan kings in centuries past sent armies into Chinese territory to expand their empire. To this day the Khampas of eastern Tibet still pride themselves as horseback warriors." 她是在缅怀什么吗?


      "To justify its crackdown, the government has portrayed the upheaval as a ruthless conspiracy spun by the exiled Dalai Lama, triggering bloody, racially motivated attacks by Tibetans against Han Chinese."http://www.newsweek.com/id/129615


    • 家园 您这文章我倒是没什么不同意的


    • 家园 这样并列好像有语病咧~





      我们没有必要以西方人的先例为自己做事的理由。。。这种作法,仅仅是在用到西方自己身上的时候才有效--这在逻辑上叫:你作初一,俺作十五; 但是在涉及第三方的时候,要非常小心~ 否则,就成了“西方可以在非洲干坏事,俺也可以干”。那就与原意大相径庭了~


    • 家园 侵略invasion 在英文里好像是个中型词。

      有点像“进入”,美国攻打阿富汗和伊拉克时,拥护美国军事行动的媒体都是一口一个“invasion”。 这是文化不同吧。西方文明是掠食的文化,侵略对他们来说是家常便饭。中国文明是农耕保守文化,常常是被 invasion. 所以侵略是贬义词。

      • 家园 西方文化中就没有侵略一说


      • 家园 Invasion是贬义


        • 家园 应该是中性,D-day,Iraq都是用的invasion
        • 家园 invasion和operation是完全不同的两个词

          invasion指的是在没有对方同意的情况下进入对方的地盘,不管对方是好是恶。operation可以是任何军事行动。如Operation Desert Shield美军在沙特完全是守势。直到美军完成了进攻的准备,才开始Operation Desert Storm。所以应该说invasion是operation(军事行动)的一种。

          • 家园 试释

            就如你所说的,Invasion是一种military operation,但是invasion明显的带有一种倾斜性,就是你所说的“不管对方的意愿”。


            1.The Knight invaded the cave of monsters and rescued the princess.

            2. The Monsters invaded the castle and killed the King.



            • 试释
              家园 中性词的定义不包括双面性吗?


      • 家园 我们不能中性理解




      • 家园 从英文词典上



        1: to enter for conquest or plunder

        2: to encroach upon : infringe

        3 a: to spread over or into as if invading : permeate <doubts invade his mind>

        b: to affect injuriously and progressively <gangrene invades healthy tissue>


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