
主题:再谈中航油 - 兼答酋长 -- 禅人

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家园 再谈中航油 - 兼答酋长


在新加坡所有上市公司中,去年在股东投资回报率上的龙头老大是谁?答案是:中航油。据报道,某国际咨询公司曾做出一份统计,说新加坡的上市企业市值超过10亿新元的公司,其股东年度总回报率(TSR) 高于代表新加坡股市整体表现的海峡时报指数(STI)的平均回报率,前者为45.8%,后者为26.1%。中航油股票的TSR是多少呢?346.3%!直到今年10月传出中航油的母公司中国航油集团释股消息,证券分析人士的建议依然是:

“Maintain ‘buy'. We are not changing our net earnings estimates but are significantly revising up our EPS (earnings per share) estimates due to the anti-dilution effect and revising our target price up $2.11 (from $2.06) based on 20 per cent discount to sum-of-the-parts RNAV (revalued net asset value) valuation. CAO holds attractive investments exposed to the volume growth of China's aviation sector as well as exposure to refining, which for the next few years is expected to be in a bull cycle. Rating: BUY.”








“中国航油(China Aviation Oil)昨日与10家银行签署总值1亿6000万美元(约2亿8000万新元)的5年期可转换银团贷款,准备在美国、中国和亚细安国家进行和油品行业有关的实业投资。


注意啦,这样一大笔贷款,银团没有要求借款人提供任何形式的抵押和担保哦。至于母公司安慰函啥的,卖卖野人头的东东,不提也罢。从这儿就可以知道,银行家们是怎样看好这家公司,把它宠得什么似的。不过要说这贷款直接与炒油有关,恐怕不能这么说。贷款一般有规定用途,有的比较specific, 有的则比较general,但应该不至于约定说用来做期货。从当时披露的资料看,中航油声称是用于实业投资的,而且它也的确在做一些M&A的事情,比如打算收购新加坡石油的股权就是一例,直到期货案爆发前一周,还在召开股东大会对收购一事作表决,结果被大股东母公司否决,令市场目瞪口呆。 现在有事后诸葛说,那是中航油在虚张声势,意图拉抬股价,掩盖负面消息。关于这笔银团贷款,虽说总金额不算小,然而摊到这许多银行头上,每家不过一二千万美元的额度,对银行来说擦破点皮而已,小意思啦,若中航油不破产,还可能捞回一些本钱,看来还是配合配合,乖乖同意债务重组等它起死回生吧。

当其时也,既然中航油那么有油水,投资机构呢,自然也不能闲着,大家一起来捞一把呀。今年10月,当中航油的母公司中国航油集团作为大股东脱售手头拥有的15%股权给机构投资者时,共收到75家大型投资机构的认购,认购率为2.5倍,所有献售股在2小时内全部售完。这次私下配售的1亿4520万股,每股S$1.35,筹集资金近2亿新元。母公司在中航油拥有的股权则从原来的75%减持到60%。 现在公众相信,这笔资金是母公司用来向中航油注资,给期货亏损输血用的,但显然献售文件不是这么披露的。公司大亏情况没有曝光之前,大股东这样脱售股票套现,可就有涉及局内人交易之嫌了,于是商业事务调查局不得不介入。






家园 突发奇想,如果察一下那八家投行,看看


家园 a few comments (sorry, in English again)

I think it is an isolated case, or some risks investors already factored into. Such weaknesses in internal control and governance exist in most China's enterprises (not only state-owned but also private). It will take years to cultivate the ideas of "responsibility to shareholders" to managers in Chinese enterprises. While the feeble system itself gives opportunities for manager to abuse their authority, they can hardly make such gigantic losses or siphon lots of money if they have no access to external credits that fuel or even encourage the speculations.

If CAO had not had such a big trading or counterparty limits by investment banks, exchanges or other investors, how could it make such a tremendous exposures in derivatives ? All derivative contracts have counterparties who are supposed to assess CAO's risk limits before entering into trading contracts. Given generally mediocre risk management system and internal control, they should be more than prudent in evaluating CAO's trading limit. However, investors tend to have a moral hazard on exposures to Chinese enterprises. They always expect Chinese government to step in to bail out. It happened in the collapse of Guangdong Enterprises but the lesson learnt has not prevailed in the memory of investors. I believe that Chinese government wants to get rid of the moral hazard, and they are more inclined to bail out domestic listed or registered companies, than safeguarding the foreign investors' interests in overseas listed companies. It is proven in their bail out history (they bailed out a number of brokerages in past two years, and everybody knows their support in state banks) and it is politically more correct.

Given that it is an isolated event, and CAO is not effectively an oil & gas company (but an import agent for jet fuel, I don't think it will affect the government policies. CAO is actually related to Bureau of China Aviation, the ultimate owner of airports and airlines. Temasek will likely be a white knight and it will end up opening this sector to foreigner. The interesting point is to see if Temasek can get majority control in the restructuring (if Sigapore banks suffered the most, then the probability is higher).

家园 重组可能会如何进行?淡马锡会是白马王子吗?
家园 【问参将】关于交易地点,我有不同看法:




家园 中国政府情愿保国内公司不保海外上市公司



家园 为什么新加坡老出事,他们要不要反省?
家园 关于淡马锡的参与,中航油的公告里有专门说明(见内)


Participation in proposed restructuring efforts of the Company by CAOHC and Temasek Holdings (Private) Limited (“Temasek”)

In addition, the Company has been informed that CAOHC has approached Temasek to seek Temasek’s participation in the proposed restructuring of the Company that would be needed for the Company to remain viable in the future. Temasek currently has a deemed indirect stake of less than 2% in the Company, and is not aware of any other material interests in the Company, nor is it aware of any existing material contracts or business arrangements with the Company or CAOHC. Temasek does not have any stake in CAOHC.

Temasek has expressed an indicative interest in exploring a participation as an investor in the Company’s restructuring efforts, and which participation currently contemplates the following:-

(a) CAOHC and Temasek would, in aggregate, inject funds up to US$100 million (currently expected to be in equal proportions, that is to say, US$50 million each) into the Company as part of its restructuring. It is the intention that CAOHC and Temasek will hold (in the aggregate) a majority stake in the restructured Company; and

(b) The injection of funds would be on the basis of (i) satisfactory resolution of all issues relating to the Company, (ii) the scheme of arrangement (including the settlement of outstanding and/or contingent claims against the Company) being approved, sanctioned and implemented in accordance with section 210 of the Singapore Companies Act, and

(c) The other terms and conditions (including the obtaining of relevant approvals/waivers) in connection with the injunction, all being commercially acceptable to Temasek.

It should be noted that pending the finalisation of discussions between the Company, CAOHC and Temasek, and entry into formal legal documentation relating to the proposed restructuring, CAOHC and Temasek would have no binding obligations to proceed with the restructuring of and the investment in the Company. The Company is continuing to pursue active discussions with CAOHC and Temasek in relating to the terms of the proposed restructuring and investment, and will make the appropriate announcements as developments take place.

家园 我相信淡马锡也会讲政治的,我们谈判有主动权。
家园 陈久霖今日返新即被捕
家园 关键还看中国的态度。
家园 陈久霖复出,在葛洲坝集团任职
家园 也算是一种补偿吧


家园 我一直很佩服这个人的国际视野



家园 之前看到传闻,说他


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