
主题:关于最近的一些笑话及其翻译 -- 月饼

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家园 一点翻译的建议

A: I was told that Nicolas Sarkozy doesn't want to attend the opening ceremony of Beijing Olympics?

B: 'Cause he is worrying about his wife taking nude pictures again while he's away.

A: It was said that Angela Merkel will boycott the Olympic Game too?

B: 'Cause she is worrying about nobody wants to watch her nude pictures.

A: And Harper is not going either?

B: 'Cause he doesn't want to sit in the second row.

A: And the prime minister of Poland is protesting Beijing Olympics.

B: What the HELL is a "Poland"?

A: Why are the pro-Tibet guys attacking a handicapped girl?

B: Because they dare not fighting a normal one.

A: Paris City of Human Rights!

B: Except for Chinese...Especially Handicapped Chinese Girl.

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