
主题:【求教】请问 no-regret measurement怎么确切翻译阿? -- 红金龙

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家园 【求教】请问 no-regret measurement怎么确切翻译阿?
家园 有没有上下文啊?
家园 说的是,嘿嘿,那您给看看,怎么翻译?

The study will result in, a documented survey of the relevant aspects of environmental flow related to the water quality and biodiversity in the wetland area of the Delta and an assessment of the required flow under various scenarios of land use development including an assessment of environmental flow of the wetland of the Delta emphasis on the nature reserve will be defined. Management requirements and (no-regret) measures to achieve this flow will also be defined. Furthermore essential preconditions will be formulated to achieve the objective of a sustainable wetland area, specifically addressing the role of the different stakeholders in the Delta. Training forms a significant part of the activities and will enhance the institutional capacity needed in the field of integrated water resources management.

家园 大概是这个意思



无悔则是鱼和熊掌兼得, 各个方面的要求都比较周全的照顾到了.

家园 觉得挺像“磨刀不误砍柴工“,就不知道文雅了怎么说。
家园 我看可以翻作"不会使人后悔的措施"

我看no-regret就是指"不会使人后悔的", 也就是说这些措施不会只顾了一头(比如开发用水)而荒费了另一头(比如生态环境)以至多年后让人后悔.

家园 你是对的.

嗯. 我开始有错误.

家园 可恢复的措施?


家园 谢了,我再琢磨一下
家园 这是我从网上搜索下来的一点英文



家园 权衡措施
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